Dustin L. Tabor

Clearly, in an incident only known to George Lucas, Harrison Ford shot somebody first. It all makes sense now.

Yeah, who wants to see a beloved entity be taken over by some corporate overlords? Why that’d be like this here AV Club being purchased by some large conglomerate and shifting its editorial viewpoint to accommodate their new corporate masters.

You set a really low bar for is considered misconduct.

The circular firing squad on the left is never ending and the ultimate gift to the right.

Isn’t it just as wrong to suggest a Chinese actress to play a Japanese character? And potentially more problematic internationally, given the history of conflict and oppression between those two nations.

You guys still seem to be ignorant about the reasoning in choosing this and that when it comes to casting. These companies need money. If this fails, it’ll show them the people wanted a Japanese actress. If it succeeds, then it just means they chose well. Also why the fuck are people so angry about the lead not being

My original post was eaten by my second post... FOR THOSE THAT MISSED IT ;

You’re talking about people who think the female protagonists in e3 are to spite gamergate, even though the games have been in development longer than gamergate has existed for, and there’s less female protagonists than last year

I see this similar to the self professed gamer girl that wonders when they’re gonna make Zelda a girl.

Yeah, I like lovable dope Harley, not shrill skank Harley.

Was wondering what could have possibly been meant by that comment myself...she was more popular in the 90's than she is now.

“Harley Quinn’s one of the most popular new Batman characters to appear in the last few years.”

imo, Harley’s role in the Arkham games has been lame in general, but having her here post-Joker seems odd. Would’ve kind of hoped to see some kind of character development that occurred from the traumatizing event that Joker’s death probably was for her. But she has tits so slap her in some brief PRE-ORDER DLC and

It’s you! The hero of Kvatch!

Hope she realize that SHE CAN DO THAT TOO.

The thing I liked most about Hitman which was really absent in Absolution was being able to decide where and how to kill my target. I remember one mission in the hotel room, where one of the options was either to shoot him from the sky balcony through the open window.

oh man, I forgot about those fetish nuns and the hubbub they created. I like the Hitman games, but the problem I always have is the stealth stuff isn’t really clearly laid out (in terms of rules and stuff) and I end up stealthing a good chunk...then get spotted...then just kill everything. So hopefully the sneaky