Dustin L. Tabor

With Slott hinting at this being his last Spidey story it might be a good time for me to take a break if the status quo goes right back to Anime Harem Peter Parker after Secret Wars. This seems like a good end to the Amazing Spider-Man story. It should be the end of 616 Peter Parker since that universe is “over”.

Please don’t be a MMO, Please don’t be a MMO...

“There’s no warning label on that Wii saying unplug after use that it may cause a fire, there’s no warning label so I didn’t know to do that, to unplug it.”

Yeah I think theres more to this story than what is being presented here. I’m not calling the victim a liar I just don’t think they know themselves what truely caused this fire. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of such a case. Pretty sure we would have heard about wii’s causing fires way before this. I’ve left


Society doesn’t care much about any of this. It’s all a gaming media circlejerk. Even Anita Sarkeesian’s videos aren’t being talked about as much. Kotaku used to have articles shortly after each one was released. Now they just post stuff focusing on her, but even that is slowly dying off. Personally, I think the

To be honest: After decades of trying to convince “normal people” that our hobby isn’t responsible for any social problem occuring on the news and getting a little acceptance from these fucks ... I just don’t care anymore. Maybe it’s a generational thing, that will solve itself somewhen out the natural way, but if

im trying to create a car that runs off the the by-product of hate reading Internet comments, get a lot of the good stuff when I read the comment sections of GG articles.

We call it “games journalism” but it’s really just hobbyist/enthusiast press. All of it is written with voice and perspective with the goal of being entertaining and informative about a narrow subsection of popculture.

I hate being “that guy” who says things were so much better back in the day...

Which seems like such a good idea. Let’s give the most powerful person on the planet reason to say “You know, fuck humanity.”

So...she doxxed his ass?

Superman Lois Lane is a dick.

Alternate headlines for this story:

Is it wrong to say that it didn’t really do anything for me? I loved playing X-wing vs. Tie Fighter, but this isn’t close enough to a finished game for me to get excited about. I blame other games, like Elite: Dangerous and Star Citizen.

I knew while watching this video some dolt was going to complain about the protagonist being a white male with dark stubble who’s gritty! Thank you for pointing out the obvious of bitching and moaning like everyone else does.

I was about to say the same thing. Why didn’t they use Tom Hardy’s likeness? The movie has been in development as long as the game.

Mad Max’s gritty bearded white guy existed before all of those characters. If anything, they took from Mad Max, not the other way around.