Dustin Koski

Thanks, I might have seen this without the warning.

I don't get the impression it's overshadowing much, but that's based on /r/politics already having moved on from it to real issues.

No, Jones isn't crazy. He cowardly apologizes when it comes to court. He's just cynical.

Carolla wouldn't be in the public eye at all if Kimmel hadn't taken under his wing and talked him into going into show business, so that's not too surprising.

How could multiple attendees to his meeting with the Russians leak information without the White House being able to figure out who the leakers are? That had to narrow it down significantly.

We hated him into giving him hemophilia? That is some pagan bullshit there. Looks like we've gotta give O'Reilly a dunking test.

It's not a lack of courage. It's a lack of empathy. He knows he's not going to die, so why should he care?

But they're all instantly recognizable as him, so it's not really surprising.

Oh man, you just made me realize that for perjury it has to be provable that he knows he's lying… And if he goes on record as being a performance artist, that is him admitting he knows he's telling lies.


Thank you!

This article or this decision? Whatever, it's yes to both.

How are we supposed to fight that? We'll just be dismissed as paid protesters.

I thought the really big laugh was Logan beating the truck with a shovel.

Clickhole's Clickventures could make it work.

I was acting like they might be tricked into buying a game from a company that they otherwise wouldn't want to if no one mentioned the publisher.

Many gamers hate Double Fine ostensibly because of a game called Spacebase being bad or disappointment with Broken Age but really because CEO Tim Schafer has bashed the Gamergate movement.

Sounds very interesting!

Not that Zero Punctuation's joke structure is anything unique. I read Neil Gaiman books that were doing it a decade before him.

Remember when some shitty white supremacist comic had Richard Spencer in full Nazi uniform gloating over some stereotypical progressive in a concentration camp and saying he brought back death camps because people kept punching him? I saw that someone did an edit where there's a second panel where she punches him