Dustin Koski

Out of litigious habit, Disney files a C & D against the Republicans for unauthorized use of their IP.

Two thirds of the military voted for him. He has them.

Let's be honest: Libertarians don't care about that since they know the vast majority of people arrested for it will be impoverished minorities.

Or the Other Bad Avatar IP.

Confession: As a kid I did this a few times too.

Dad: "Yeah? Well, I've never worked a Saturday either. You don't see me making a big deal about it!"

Oh, worse than that IMO.

Welp, now I'm feeling masturbation shame for the first time ever, though it has a roughly five year delay on it. Thanks a lot, Jameson.

As a guy who used to have an asinine History Channel-type obsession with the Nazis (knew they were evil, got oversold how great their military was) I can attest that goosestepping is as tiring as it is goofy.

We said that Trump was done and he bounced back. When you pander to horrible people they'll forgive anything if you share the right hatreds with them.

Given how MY is one of two writers for Breitbart the average user can name, those six Breitbart writers are probably about to have their bluffs called.

Can't wait for the episode where she murders Tina and tries to sell Gene to human traffickers and then they have a "heart" moment as Bob learns a valuable lesson about the importance of family.

Oh god, Gayle has become this show's Scrappy. I dread her presence.

Didn't they break the story on Chris Steele's dossier?

That thing about the bust of Martin Luther King Jr. being replaced with Winston Churchill. Maybe the photoshopped hands thing. That's all the things confirmed to be wrong that I can think of.

It's worth it for those terrible cohosts to be out of a job.

See? Being this good for ratings proves Trump is a good person!

It's an act, and he's really terrible on camera. Lousy at improv and clearly uncomfortable with his scripted dialogue.