
@RepoManChitown: "Dear Brakes, I would like to consider stopping in....."

@Bueller: Surely you could make one of those things fly these days, easily and cheaply I would assume?

People only put the milk in first if they are trying to appear posh. It is one of the many things the lower orders do when they have ideas and graces above their station.

Magic Sky Control. From the Germans.

@TheAntiCat: Yeah it did, MGS2 & 3, GT4 to name but three.

@Fast_Nel: Companies that import American cars into Europe make an absolute killing. I just found a 2010 SS Camaro in the UK for £38,900 (about $61,000). You are much better importing yourself, although either way you are going to take a bath on the residuals as American cars are not popular.

Really, it's about goddamn time. These are the sorts of cars that America builds best, it's heartland machines that no-one else can do. They are proudly and unabashedly American and all the better for it.

@TheAntiCat: To be fair, the graphics are so bad it could be GT5......

@tonyola: That's pretty much on the money. Edsel was never allowed complete and final control over the company (his father and the executives he built the company with were always hovering in the background).

2. I've given up submitting tips, AOTD, QOTD, basically anything to this site now. It's just not worth the crushing disappointment of not having my contributions noted or followed up on.

@ChiefPontiaxe: It's magnificent. This is precisely why I love American cars.

@Axel-Ripper: It's insane that the developed world doesn't have the same emissions/safety standards mandated everywhere.

Well of course it's raining, it's England for christ's sakes.

Way cuter. And British to boot!


@punksmurph: I've read somewhere that RAF pilots in ADV F3 Tornados (in exercises!) have been able to best F14 pilots by being able to tell their energy state by the sweep of their wings.