
The second they do this with The Greatest Mobile Phone Ever Made, the Nokia 6310i, I am all over that shit.

There wasn't a great deal of difference in speed between the Sea Harrier and the Argentinian Mirages at sea level. Let's not forget, although subsonic the Shar was still an extremely high performance 'fast jet'.

@Darkiller45: "Why don't you get your head and your ass wired together and come on in for the big win son?"

@jcd302: The MkIII 2.8 Injection was released in 1981, and remained in production until December 1986.

This is why any Android phone is a non-starter for the committed Mac-head.

Just possibly, the greatest rally car ever built.

Styled by the same man who did the original 240Z, Count Albrect von Goertz.

@8kredline: That's hilarious. I once did something similar when I was White Van Man; a father was teasing his daughter by holding her in front of a big puddle and then yanking he rout of the way at the last moment when cars went past.

@Purdueable: I need to watch that again, because I'm sure I figured out that Tim Robbins would not have been stranded (ie there was a way to retrieve him using what they had shown in the film).

This is why I have no chance of ever being an astronaut.

@evoCS: Agreed. Want. Want. Want.

@pbrtim: It looks like the worlds slowest sports car....

@brianesser76: It's not a right, but surely even the most blue blooded conservative would agree it's a good thing if it can be provided free or at low cost?

@brianesser76: Actually they pretty much *are* the first generation who has had to work for a secondary education.