
By the way, the video I posted should not be watched unless you have ingested some sort of mind altering chemical.

Now playing

Well, surely they should be doing their routine to this......

@freedomweasel: Yeah, I did head over to the forums today, to see what's what. I caught a definite whiff of that from what I read, but didn't read enough to find out if it was usual internet forum squabbling or actual genuine grievances at the developer.

As a recent convertible convert (sorry), I would just like to say as a confirmed Amerophile the following: It's about goddamn time.

@edhe [on xbl]: That would mean braving the choppy waters of 'internet enthusiast forums', which for the sake of my sanity, I try very hard not to do :)

To hell with this. When the hell is BFBC2: Vietnam coming out?

Hmmm, I've just gone back to Forza after a period of BFBC2 and Reach, and I must say, that the number of people playing Forza online is really very low these days, about 1000 people.

@zacarious: Jesus, is he living above a pie & crack shop these days?

@DeadnBuried: Not for me, I had the ITV button removed from my remote by Harrods.

Worth mentioning to your UK readers, is that the PS3 now contains a BBC iPlayer browser built in and it is BY FAR the best way of viewing iPlayer content (I'm not sure why this should be, but having watched Mad Men streamed live from BBC4 last week on my 27" iMac, it was nowhere near as good a quality as if I had

@Steve_in_NC: That is required reading for anyone the least bit interested in cars.

@PanchoVilleneuve: His name is Stephan Winklemann and he's Lamborghini's Chief Executive.

@OMFG! PierceTheVin: Remember that the next time someone on the lunatic fringe denounces our 'socialist healthcare system'....

@NyQuilPillz: You'd be surprised what our Socialist Marxist Government National Health Service covers......

@jdepould: Well played Sir, well played.

@Vidit: Not to mention in the UK at least, the PS3 has BBC iPlayer built in, which works better than the internet version. With it's Blu-Ray capability, and the fact I can stream stuff off an HDD to it via Vuze, and the fact it plays games is almost incidental.

@MaWeiTao: I know, it's fucking everywhere these days.