
@Canoehead: True, the through-deck carriers (that gave such sterling service in the Falklands) will be retired soon, but construction on the new CVF carriers has already begun. There is a defence spending review pending, but my understanding is the money for the carriers will be ring fenced and any cutbacks will be

@blissfulight: Good question. I'm in the Socialist Peoples Democratic Republic of Great Britian.

By the way, the DS Safari is an abortion of the original saloon's lines and should be killed with fire.

And for those of you that like such things, it also comes in estate form.

Citroen XM, no question. Last of the genuinely weird lunar vehicles from Citroen until the recent C6 (which is also magnificent.

Aren't hot corners that shit you put in a toaster and burn the roof of your mouth on five minutes later?

@92BuickLeSabre: When I'm feeling down, pictures of baby elephants are pretty much guaranteed to have me squealing in delight in 0.03 seconds.

Carrot and stick approach. Introduce a drugs and alcohol policy with a zero tolerance policy toward working under the influence, policed by random and for cause testing. That's the stick.

And part of my reasoning for justifying a PS3 to myself was the fact it would also be my Blu-Ray player (I have an Xbox360 as well).

@DingoJunior: Hey, I'm sure he's got a mortgage to pay the same as the rest of us!!

@samosir: We could make it the month after "Rex Manning Day".

@eternalcthulhu: Wasn't the internet invented so nerds could order pizza without actual human contact?

@KillerKoala: Isn't it the same old Vauxhall Monaro/Pontiac G8/Chevrolet Camaro/Holden RWD Platform? If it is the engineering work for conversion to LHD was already done (but apparently GM won't be re-engineering it back to RHD for the UK when the Camaro comes here next year..).

@MrTripps: Yeah but they still sound cool even now. I bet they even had colour screens and Windows 95!