
I was a great shotgunner in the day (I sound like Grandpa Simpson). Only requires one hole and a pull tab. Put you mouth on a hole on the bottom of the side of the can (typically made with a can opener), draw a vacuum and pop the top. The only faster way to drink a beer is from a glass...

I’m a big fan of the Hardee’s thick burgers.  I have been very disappointed by our local store, but every time I get one on the road, they’re great.

Poor baby - did you become a cop and assault people at traffic stops?  That’s what serveral of my high school classmates did to get over feeling like you do about their high school experience.

On two separate occasions I have been walking rapidly or running and tripped face first. My face/head would have hit the pavement had it not been for my enormous gut. I’ll bet there are no studies on the effectiveness of that safety device.

They said the group was arrested and the cops were called because of their “incivility”. You know what? If I had double pneumonia and was on the verge of an asthma attack and I was being hassled by a some idiot rent-a-cop, I’d be pretty uncivilized as well. If I was the family member with the patient, I may have found

We actually did this when our site manager was fired.

Do you think he’ll offer a similar amount as a bounty on Jared Goff?

I had issues with the high gravity world as well. If the gravity was high enough to crush that bottle, my thought was the structures would need to be much more reinforced. There wouldn’t be waves in the ocean and nothing would boil, at least not at a temperature the would just burn flesh. It would be a pressure cooker

There is a small chance he could get primaried if the GOP could come up with anybody reasonable to run against him.  It may be Ryan’s plan, but he’s not exactly reasonable.

My guess is she was trying to do a stereotype antithesis of a strong black woman. Unfortunately for her, she comes across as the the Jerry Springer stereotype of a white woman.

Working for Charter would also seem to cast doubt on her assertion. May in combination with her bricklaying boyfriend. I chose bricklayer because it pays pretty well, not a slam to the profession

“Good point shouts an old, white (and tech savvy) Democrat.

Grammar racists, I hadn’t heard that one....

How can you be racist against gay people? - they’re not a race. You can be prejudiced against gay people, you can discriminate against gay people, but you can’t be racist. The passenger is a complete idiot.

95% of them are of the bottle variety, not that there’s anything wrong with that except for the making it a job requirement.

You do realize that the Delaware Blue Hens wear helmets with the same pattern as Michigan’s. It is Nagy’s and Joe Flacco’s Alma mater

Yeah, you can carry an AR-15 into Burger King, but don’t keep a baseball bat within reach in your car. I don’t get it - are they not both “arms”?

I’m afraid I agree with you. The guy down the block referred to some friends of my African American neighbor by the “N” word. His wife hit the guy in the ribs with a shovel. He no longer lives on our block. Problem solved.

I’m sure you missed these words in the third verse of the national anthem about killing slave who protest.

Well, the racists sort of adopted it as their symbol. If you still like it, by all means display it everywhere. Personally I liked it when people openly had it on shirts, belt buckles and bumper stickers. It made it really easy to identify a person that I knew shared no common interests with me.