
I can't be the only one that read this headline and expected a project POStal update from David Tracy.

Let’s go! Pedal through the metal!

David Tracy sheds a tear as Carbon Fiber cannot rust

Aka the “I’m brave enough to order a first-year FCA product” badging.

It’s not clear exactly what went wrong with the car

Kinda bummed to see the Volvos on here, but I’m guessing that most of their sales come from custom orders. 

Smartest play:

Cold tires and 1.5 psi off.  We all know why...

I think the rear looks like the XC90.

I have a feeling that unless Bernie drops out early, he’s going to lead to Trump’s re-election

I’m no fan of Beto, but their piece on him that claimed he Wasn’t Really Punk was a thinly veiled temper tantrum about the fact that he raised more money than Bernie.

the budget was slashed and the UC system started admitting a lot of foreign students, mainly from China, who pay as if it were an Ivy;

I call BS on the operating costs of the Alfa. There is no way that thing isn’t spending half the year in the shop. It’s fuel costs are likely half of whats being used.

I feel like barring someone from a class action lawsuit should be illegal.

Ah, but this is the proverbial Wild West of Unincorporated Harris County, Texas. No zoning here at all. And landowners (in this case, the developer who bought up something like 6-8 sections of land) can pretty much do whatever they want if they have enough money (read: developers). Which is how you end up with housing

Toss up between that and this:

That has to be the prettiest wagon ever!

I’ll pass on this one. Counting down the days left until 2036 when I can legally import one of the 27 NG 9-5 SportCombis in existence to the US. Hopefully a few will survive.

Just look at how effortlessly it climbed these stairs. Not a scratch!

“kinetic energy recovery braking system” = KERBS