
Um....they are referring to the gif below...

I watch the title every single time. Its not in there. Where did you see it?

Strike region lock? We get the anime that strike has in Canada on Amazon without having to pay for strike. best of both worlds!

huzzah! History! Anything recent? Because there are plenty of times whites killed eachother in american history also yes?

those guys got hurt also. This is not a sissy sport.

Pretty sure its a joke, and comedy is immune from racisim. Still, this is so much stereotyping.

Sorry but between this, a potentially avoidable situation with proper gun control and health care, and the natural disaster in Purto rico, id rather spend my money there.

Theyre just running...turning horses into people and racing them is running...

Its a Cecilia post. Shes not a very good writer/ ‘reporter’ at Kotaku.

I didnt know cigars had names, but im a non-smoker. Thought it was just cigar.

not really, he tried to blast the media for making a news feild day out of this. Wrong people to target, they just turned it right around on him and now if he says anything they are using it against him. Doesnt help that hes really not good with words.

gotta watch out for Heather, she is the language nazi of Kotaku ever since she joined.

How did HOA become a thing in the states? Ive never seen one before.

Wow...I did not connect the guy in the bedroom to being the guy in the building. Makes mroe sense now. I thought he was a hidden replicant

I would like to chime in about it being the complete opposite for me. I was taking programming in High school many years ago and I dropped because it was ruining my love of gaming. Knowing the code, knowing how it works, knowing the bits of data, and/if/or statements of that basic coding I did.

water fall on rocks from a high place, close up, often looks the same.

Thats amazing. I seriously need to go there.

My opinion. They both look fine. The statue is fairly well done and resembles the man closely in the photos. The artwork has signifigance and a message.

Never heard of this. A small explination of what ‘Fantastic Fest’ is would of been nice.

You all understand this mode has been around almost since shooters exsisted right? They called it Free for All. Thats what this is, slightly tweeked.