
Wait what? Inside Job was cancelled? Noooo. I thought there would be more.

I honestly cannot comprehend this. Ive played hours and hours and been kicked out of battles like, twice.


Why a VPN? You dont need one to stream stuff really.  I guess, maybe if you download a lot.

Ubisoft makes other games you know.  I dont play any of the games you talked about and I own plenty of Ubisoft titles.

Wow. Ive never heard of, nor knew about Pokegenie. Like, I had stopped playing a while ago because of the shittiness of the system, but if I had known about that app I might of started playing again.

You never heard any Spaltoon music before have you?

but realistic. I really dont understand this push to “make every character bi/gay

Im not American so I think the joke in this escapes me.

So your saying now is a good time to buy SF5 with all the DLC finally released?

They make a point of saying a bunch of the inquisitors are turned Jedai.  So gonna guess a bunch know about anakin.

Where is the futurama meme of “Dont have sex with robots!”?

wait...is it not supposed to be?

lol, most games dont NEED these new super cards yet.

I dont understand why people like fat flabby asses.

Are you kidding me?  I always thought this was some sort of horror game.  No one would ever tell me what the game was about and the few things I looked at made it seem ripe for jump scares.

I thought everyone called it Squenix?

There are none.  They do not bring ANYTHING to the table. 

If they could of just slapped their logo on a black background it would of been awesome.  Every time I start up one of their games and the screen goes all white.  Just pain.

PLEASE just change the background of the splash screen your logo appears on from white, to black. God my eyes when im starting up a game late at night.