It would still almost certainly fall back to the OEM as they should have software in place to deal with a bad/sticky/intermittent sensor. In the case of an airbag, there’s not a whole lot software can do after it has asked for the airbag to deploy.
It would still almost certainly fall back to the OEM as they should have software in place to deal with a bad/sticky/intermittent sensor. In the case of an airbag, there’s not a whole lot software can do after it has asked for the airbag to deploy.
Or, ya know, a Scootable...
These had a CVT that will eventually begin slipping and then require several thousand dollars in repairs... or replacement. You’d be much better off going a generation older and getting a gas one.
Counterpoint: there are many situations where cars can be developed that not only meet the regulations, but can also be fun! Case in point: there will be a hybrid mustang before 2025. Without these regulations, such a car would certainly never have existed. And to boot, I’m sure there will still be a V8 available at…
Exactly. There are so many people who don’t care at all about cars, and they can all (or at least mostly) drive electric. It would allow those who love to have a NA V8 to do so because they’ll be such a minority that the overall relative impact will be small, much like track day cars.
99% Sure he meant recreational boats, not international freighters... which should be regulated. (Though I’m not sure they are...)
The engines in today’s hybrids (at least the ones I am familiar with) don’t actually produce enough vacuum for the system, so an auxiliary pump is necessary.
OH come on, where’s that NSFW tag?!?
“there’s a new large Lexus LS500 luxo-barge and it can drive around people, for when you don’t actually want to mow them all down.”
Yes, which began production in 2011. Production beginning in 2019 will coincide with another new generation, thus the US will just have skipped the current generation of international Ranger.
28, licence to sell in MO was not renewed for 2017:
Would you be happier with 20% more range and 400 hp? Because that’s closer to the range-performance tradeoff of EVs. Also, a reason why I want to DD one when I can afford one!
C’mon, Woobaru!
Do you have a very expensive printer or is there something somewhat reasonable (<1k) that can actually get that sort of accuracy? I’m interested in getting a printer, and always looking to learn what people enjoy using!
“The car is a firm leap toward the company’s goal of developing a fully-autonomous — defined as an Society of Engineers level-4 — vehicle, which doesn’t require a driver to take the reins of the car.”
Being that the i3 is the number one car they benchmarked, yeah I’m pretty sure it’s on purpose. It’s faster, cheaper, longer range, better appointed, about the same footprint with a larger interior, and slightly less ugly!
“If you get on a city bus or an airplane, do you care who made it? There won’t be anything left to car brands in 20 years.”
In his ca.... oh.
I took a class on V2V at one point, and there is a region of the 5.9 GHz band set aside in the US, and similar things set aside (of course, in different frequencies...) in the EU and several other markets. The basic protocols will be based on some of the 802.11p standards, with a whole host of other bits of framework…
I’ve got a tow strap in my Subie but not in the HD Ram 2500... am I doing it right?