
I really liked the animation style once I got used to it.

Nihilism gets a bad wrap. There's a new wave of entertainment embracing the concept and using it as an argument not to waste time while we have it. Make the world better while we're here because it's all we will ever have I find it very interesting.

Add Twin Peaks to the challenging TV list. That show is weird even by most modern standards, and it aired back in the 80's.

Different shows for different occasions. I love animation, so I watch things like Duck Tales and Gravity Falls because of the animation and the sense of humor. But I also watch things like American Gods and Twin Peaks The Revival. I don't neccessarily agree with it being about triggers. I think people have different

Personally my favorite joke in the episode was when poisoned Launchpad got the phone and started speaking gibberish with a Swedish accent. It was so well timed.

And I could just as easily criticize football or soccer. But I won't, because it's not nice to rag on other people's fun. What I will say is this. Different sports require different skill sets. Athletic sports require spied, strength, etc. Gaming requires strong hand eye reflexes, and quick thinking. D&D spotlights

"I've never seen it but…." oh my God, i have uninformed opinions Bingo!

Well here's the thing. None of his enemies really eat to fight him, except the Master. They fight him when he gets in their way, but don't really seek him out. So I get it in this case. Why go for him when you could wait for someone else to get blown out of the sky first

Yeah. Maybe even TWO candy bars. They'd never afford it.

That's why I like it as an introductory episode. It introduces parts of the world, but mainly leaves the Doctor a mystery. It gives you pieces you want to see put together without overwhelming you.

Surely you meant Blink right?

Same thing, isn't t?

I'd check out his second season, personally. I loved it

Yes. It hurt me.

I've heard that one a few times. I find it hilarious

Please, just leave. We don't care about you and your fake outrage. Or your self righteousness. I'm sure you can find plenty of people on Reddit to justify your bullshit.

If you haven't seen it yet, I recommend adding American Gods to this list. It forget blew me away.

Or people just have different opinions. It's been known to happen.

Let me throw my two cent in here. I think that the show runners were going for a gag with her gun, here's why. In my mind it's a deliberate subversion on what tv and movies train us to expect. In real life, of course women are just as capable of violence as men. It's not really a gag that has to do with what happens

I thought he just got shot