Predictions for future terms:
Predictions for future terms:
If you don’t like the current policies, how would you change them?
My advice? Git gud.
You’re a fan of bullying to get what you want in the end.
So you’re going to promote literal bullying(Bully Hunters being a group of bullies sanctioned to bully others) to fix the issue? Fight fire with fire?
The fact you’ve already aligned anyone who doesn’t think positively of this clearly manufactured scam as someone you can dismiss speaks great lengths about how far you’d actually go to have a real conversation about the subject.
Cool story bro.
Probably its because there is not a big pool of women capable to lead one of the biggest franchises in gaming. THE BEST PERSON SHOULD BE HIRED FOR THESE TYPES OF GAMES.
How is this newsworthy? Your own article states the women aren’t working in the high paying sectors of the company.
“The next step for the Overwatch team, then, is to start catching bad behavior before it’s ever reported.”
This isn’t really hating on black people at all. It’s a group of girls having fun singing along to a popular song.
The ones who are not thinking about race 24 hours a day taking offense at everything.
These kids are amazing, they’re also a good swift kick in the ass of reality to any adult.
We have failed these kids, and I don’t believe they give a damn about our out of date practices of law and morality if it means to continue putting their lives in danger.
...How? She’s basically invisible until she’s within 20ft of a car on a 45MPH road. There’s no way in hell it’s stopping in time, and I’m not sure if it’s able to “panic swerve” around her in time.
Except I’m not defending toxic behavior and have no concern over legit greivers getting their own space. I’m not a shit poster or one of those ‘blood sports’ guys. My number one concern is who defines hate speech and who gets the red button to unperson a gamer based on their standard for it.
This will not end well for anyone involved; publishers, devs, gamers - this is gonna be a mess. A unifying standard between fanbases is one pickle, but across cultures? Nationally? Globally? Impossible.
Did it end up like this one, where lots of white folks are outraged on the internet and two black minimum wage food service workers lose their jobs?
[insert hand clapping emoji between each word]
That’s a bad argument whenever it’s brought up. Yes, you might be subjectively correct, but if enough people care, then by default it’s important enough to merit discussion and the lawsuit. No matter how small an issue is, if you’re at the center of it, it’s pretty damn important to you.