
Agreed. One of my favorite games ever.

I freakin’ LOVED Rocket Jockey. If ever a game needed a reboot, that’s the one. The modern multiplayer/streaming landscape is perfectly suited to the game; It’s entertaining as hell to watch. It’s a skill game balanced by “lol, rekt!” sheer chance/luck moments that can act as an equalizer. And it’s the kind of game

It’s obviously a joke. Get over yourself.

Sheer devil’s advocate here - do those cited rules actually apply?

Yeah but men dont have the luxury of showing a bare modicum of skin and being showered with donations and subs, they have to actually be entertaining or good at the games they play. It goes both ways.

You understand that echo chambers are part of the problem, right? Instead of being a hostile jerk towards everyone who doesn’t see things your way, try seeing it as an opportunity to educate the ignorant.

So it’s the women’s fault that these assholes are harassing them?

Do you think ANYONE gave EA a free pass when it came to Battlefront II? Come on. There’s just nothing to talk about right now because the only thing we know is that they’re re-adding microtransactions to the game, which is what we’ve known since November. Given that those decisions are still being made, all we can

I know it’s fun to get REALLY ANGRY about video games every week, but there’s nothing to talk about until we actually know what the new system looks like, whether it still feels pay-to-win, and how unfair it feels.

It’s not news - EA made it quite clear during the original announcement in November that the removal of microtransactions was temporary.

Actually, building the reporting tools and systems that monitor toxic player behavior—as well as coming up with new, more effective ones that are able to catch it before the community managers have to get involved—is very much a thing the programmers in their Features team have to do.

You know guys the more time Blizzard has to waste babysitting douche bags that is time that could have been used to give us more content. Stop the fuckery already and just play the damn game!

i mean... shitting on EA is like masturbating for gamer nerds. Actually, i’m sure people are jerking off while watching a video, shitting on EA

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As someone who has spent countless hours enjoying Bioware games, from Baldur’s Gate, to Kotor, to Dragon Age, to Mass Effect, even up to ME: Andromeda, I will be completely ignoring this game. No matter how good the game has the potential to be, EA will ruin it. EA’s predatory monetization of it’s games and pursuit of

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Whether or not you like the meme or not, Uganda Knuckles isn’t a racist meme. Imitating an accent does not mean someone is pretending to be dominant over another race. This is an excellent video on the topic.

Apology accepted.

God gaming is in a shit place these days.

My favorite part of this story is the part where I can’t read it because GMG uses ad networks that pop up shit like this that won’t let you navigate off the page or get rid of the pop-up without totally closing the browser and starting over. It helps the reader empathize with Tonya Harding’s grit and determination.

There was even a post floating around on one of the largest Smash FB groups a while back literally begging people to actually bathe because the hotel that hosted their events was getting a bad reputation for being stinky as fuck and was actually losing business.

People want Melee style gameplay made for a modern audience.