Can't upvote this enough. Just installed and it is a huge improvement. Hell, it almost even looks a little like Disqus.
Can't upvote this enough. Just installed and it is a huge improvement. Hell, it almost even looks a little like Disqus.
When Trump gets trounced in videogames
My parents are lovely people, and are not bigots. They voted for and continue to support Trump. If Trump was black but otherwise the exact same, nothing would be different for them. They would vote for whatever turd popped out of the GOP primary.
Internet won.
It's mostly the same, but with the nose going into the mouth.
What was she supposed to do, advocate for armed counter-militias? How do you make that funny?
I'm going to apologize to you first, and then explain myself.
"Universal brotherhood is a wild concept to most, especially divisive liberals who are addicted to moralistic outrage."
First, try reading my response again. You are misreading it to fit your argument. I'm not saying violence is OK when it's against someone I don't like.
Living folks are out? Guess that rules out Frederick Douglass, who I hear is doing a great job.
It was in a newswire or GJI yesterday
OK, on the Russia thing, sometimes hard to sense sarcasm on the internet. Your tone has been petty, however, and frankly what you have been saying is consistent with the dopes who would be serious about the "paid shill" conspiracies.
I think that's really what Trump is—not a Nazi, not a "white nationalist," or whatever; just evil. He kowtows to Nazis because they propelled him to power.
"I don't mean this to be insulting, but you are not intelligent. Nor at the people you seek to impress."
If you think that the only explanations for someone being OK with violence against Nazis is (1) they are paid by Russia to post those views on a pop culture website or (2) they are dumb, then either (1) you are a troll, or (2) you are an asshole.
"The people on this thread supporting violence are paid shills. Probably by Russia."
Don't get me wrong. I practically cheered at work yesterday when I watched the video of Lee getting toppled like Saddam.
Instead of removing these statutes, they should just add big signs above them: "Vile, piece-of-shit, loser traitor." And then add a plaque: "Erected by vile, piece-of-shit traitors to intimidate and oppress free Americans."
Worse, a Massachusetts cop. Sickening and true.