
Is there a better way - a more grammatically correct way - to say “I’m not dumb at this shit.” It’s the being “dumb at” something that my brain snags on and I wonder if it’s just one of those things that might not sound right even though it is.

Also, I hate when businesses in particular use “more than” or “over” when describing themselves or their operations. It’s imprecise and makes it sound like they are sloppy or don’t know their own organization.

I’ve been fruitlessly fighting the incorrect use of “decimate” for years. Decimate means to reduce by one-tenth, but everyone uses it as a synonym for “annihilate”, which means “to destroy completely”. It’s so irritating because there are already SO MANY good words that mean complete destruction. Why misuse a word

It was my understanding that it’s been scientifically determined that The Cars’ The Cars is the only valid answer. First album, first three tracks, all of them charting singles, all of them *still* on the radio, movies, and commercials, 40 yeas later.

Maroon 5 sucks, their music is pointless, Adam Levine’s face is weird, and the musical tastes of young people are horrible if this is the most popular musical entity of the 3rd millenium to date.

Serial Season 3 should have been the one to go viral. Far more vital and important to look at the quotidian injustices within and as an intended part of the justice system, which is something I’ve never had to deal with before and had only seen fictional depictions of so everything here was eye-opening.

Yeah, an attorney knows to keep it brief: “Megan is a dedicated teacher with many years experience working with children. Teaching has always been her passion, and now she’s experiencing her own ‘teachable moment.’ She participated in the Halloween ensemble without truly understanding the implications. Since she has

Horror Has a New Smell

My favorite is from 30 Rock - Liz Lemon’s dad, Dick, saying regarding a family gathering, “You can’t have a ‘Lemon Party’ with old Dick!” The Lemon Party joke was so obscure, referred to something so disgusting, fucking subversive and hilarious. I remember jumping out of my chair and running around scream-laughing.

Even if he were somehow completely innocent and fully exonerated of all accusations, I still don’t understand how anyone could have watched yesterday’s hearing and come away thinking “I want this guy on the Supreme Court.” He is overly emotional, easy to anger, vindictive, and clearly partisan. I can’t ever remember

Kavanaugh: The Clintons and liberals are in a giant conspiracy to destroy me, my career, and my family.

Picking a favorite Waits song is impossible for me given that the man’s written a song for every possible (and impossible) mood and feeling, but gun to my head, “Dirt In The Ground” jumps to mind.

The username is intentional nonsense that has nothing to do with my political leanings (for that matter, neither does my support of slapping some sense into a damn Nazi when he spouts off...), but that’s neither here nor there. This isn’t about your gatekeeping superiority complex.

Also, I have yet to figure out why sometimes I’m grey, but sometimes not.


Sean — I think I can speak for all of us salivating, rancorous, sewer-dwelling mutants when I say we’ll miss you. Thanks for the years and years of great work.

Look, I pieced it together.


I think it’s worth note that, since the Changkey Makers have a fire motif, the player may be inspired to use the water weapon against them. Doing so may also give them the idea to use Bubble Lead not just as a weapon to kill fire enemies, but also as a tool to probe the terrain and estimate where edges and walls are,