
Square footage is where it starts, for me. When we got our house, I thought the garage was enormous. Two motorcycles, two cars, a riding and push mower, shelves, and a few toolboxes later, there isn’t room for anything in here! Wonder where it all went...

If you want literally just the V6 4door with anything but the base package, you’re at 35k. Heck, the Big Bend (the package above the base) 4door with ZERO options starts at $35,800.

Yes, yes you are. But you have to pronounce it like Sport-aahhhjjjj, not Sportidge. 

If I could get the V8 in the 5th gen 4runner, I would absolutely be driving one of those today.

GX460 all the way. I was in this exact same predicament. I lusted after a Bronco, but there was no way I was spending $38k for one that barely had things I wanted.

As soon as any bank receives the packet, they’ll make the funds available.  The problem is none of the banks really get told any of this directly, the packet just shows up with all the credits.  It’s been a real shit show since day 1.  You don’t even want to know what a nightmare the PPP loans were...

SUMMER beater?! You mean there’s more than winter beaters and daily beaters? My wife’s about to find out about this loophole shortly.


GM is innovating all kinds of ways to create new levels of scarcity for the C8.

That was my reasoning behind my current vehicles. What do I want to drive until I go electric?

It’s super attractive - perhaps partially because it’s RWD.  Everything about it is cool - other than the power.

Follow-up question - will I be treated exceptionally at a H-D dealership by the staff there since I’m not a mustached boomer in black leather?

The Detroit:Pittsburgh pothole ratio is honestly like 3:1, maybe even higher.

After driving through Detroit, as a PA resident, I am not the least bit surprised at front suspension failures happening more in Michigan.  I thought we had the worst roads in the country until I visited Detroit a few times.  

Yes, yes it does.


This is among some of the smartest technology that never caught on, but should have. 

Masks definitely have been proven to slow it down. They are effective.  And I’ll wear one because I care about people working at Taco Bell.  They’re some of my favorite people. 

CUV is the middle area on the spectrum of SUV and car. As our idea of an SUV changes, so too does the middle spot of that spectrum. I don’t think the MDX is in the middle of that area. 

Jonny Lieberman is FULLY TORQUED right now.