
I wholeheartedly agree with the idea of multiple CELs—or better yet a display like the one you mentioned on the Viper that shows information in layman’s terms.

You should really clarify that the version of The Ten Commandments entering public domain is NOT the one almost everyone is familiar with (which was made in 1956).

Wow, those blood and gore effects look terrible. I know that’s a limitation of the base game, but they should’ve kept it turned off for the trailer footage.

The best food in the entire Austin area is at the Chili’s at 45th and Lamar. Any trip to Austin would be wasted without it.

$55 bucks for an individual pillow?

$55 bucks for an individual pillow?

C’mon, man! You left out the best streaming service of all time- Tidal!

We have to sometimes load builds of our app through iTunes for our devices to test (since you can’t upload older builds on TestFlight) and this is going to be massively annoying.

I had the opportunity to go to JSC just three weeks ago (as a birthday trip with/from my wife) and I was honestly scared that JSC was down for the count because of the storm.

The “carrier” flying the Rising Sun flag is the Japanese helicopter destroyer (a helicopter carrier, not for jets) of the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force.

The problem with Star Trek: Discovery is that it’s a prequel- it’s inevitable that it will recon/conflict with established canon.

If it’s not used for EVA, then this is really more of a high-altitude flight suit and not a real “space” suit (like the orange ones used by NASA during the shuttle missions and U-2/SR-71 pilots).

The entire premise of this super-long article is flawed.

My question about this aircraft is how it had its military paint job still on if it passed through so many civilian owners’ hands...

Sunrise was wonderful, and even though I use Outlook for work, I hate Outlook with the fire of a thousand suns. So as soon as I heard the announcement, I uninstalled Sunrise and only used Google Calendar.

Now playing

Respectfully, if you’re going to show an example of the Zelda theme, you shouldn’t have used the original NES version. You should’ve used the orchestrated version, demonstrating the theme in the full glory that it deserves:

The whole reason why I use Picasa is so I DON’T have to upload or manage photos through the cloud. I have over 65,000 of my family’s pictures all managed by Picasa and there’s no way I’m going to upload or manage all of that through any services, and especially one as limited as Google Photos. Especially considering

The convoy comm officer that told the Imperial Lieutenant their status around the 35 second mark sounded a whole lot like Mark Meer, aka Commander Shepard...

I guess I’m the only one so far that thinks it wasn’t all that great. The “I’m too cool for school” demeanor of the X-wing pilot prevented me from taking the short seriously. Not even professional pilots in real life are that emotionless and deadpan when they’re getting shot at.

Although your analysis is great, it’s not the “essential” difference between Star Wars and Star Trek.

The whole point of having a headlamp is to make the whole thing hands-free. Pulling your phone out of your pocket, unlocking it, going to the app, going through menus, etc takes WAY more work than just raising your hand to your head to push the button.