I just finished vol 3 of Rat Queens, it definitely gets darker and more mature, it's worth sticking with.
I just finished vol 3 of Rat Queens, it definitely gets darker and more mature, it's worth sticking with.
I'm not saying they're the same severity, but they both relate to respecting other people and viewing women as equals instead of objects that you can/need to exert power over.
I feel like one of the biggest problems is that when people talk about consent and no means no it's usually presented in the context of sex but those ideas aren't expanded to general public interaction enough. It goes right along with men telling women to "smile" - not enough people call out habits like that as being…
I was wondering that myself. Time Travel? Modern Warfare weapons set in WWII. The whole game can just be one of their on-rails levels where you're ostensibly invincible.
Call of Duty became Halo so gradually that I barely noticed.
If James Urbaniak doesn't voice Blaine the Mono I'm going to be really disappointed.
Upvoted for sex. Not to be confused with sex for upvotes, that would be creepy.
I just started to and felt myself slowly sinking lower and lower in my chair so I had to bail.
Is anyone playing Banner Saga 2? I read a review that sounded really positive and I'm pretty interested in getting it at some point, but it sounds like it's only worth playing if you've played the first one, which apparently had some problems.
Fuck politics in general, from the nationwide contests to the local people who are just as, if not more, insane as Trump. I feel like every day I see a new story about someone trying their damnedest to actually get in the way of progress that would make people's lives better.
I really want to watch Angie Tribeca - is it streaming online anywhere (legally) that you know of?
I made pulled pork in the slow cooker (my fiance didn't accidentally unplug it this time) and some oven-baked sweet potato fries to go with them. I also fried up some orange pepper, sweet onion, and pineapple heavily spiced with garlic salt and chili powder to go on top of the pork.
I feel like it's still regarded as being more socially acceptable to have multiple failed marriages than it is to be single later in life or to be in a monogamish marriage. People are waking up (thanks in no small part to Dan Savage) that the "traditional" relationship path isn't really the best for everyone but…
I'll watch almost any comic book movie for pure entertainment value, I really liked First Class and Days of Future Past, yet I just plain can't get excited about this for some reason. I'm kinda bummed about it.
This weekend I'm playing "paint the bathroom". That's not a weird japanese Wii U or oculus game either, but an actual thing I'm doing.
I'll certainly miss you a lot over there, as will others I'm sure, but you've gotta do what's best for you and the last thing these places should be is stressful.
About two weeks ago I dreamed that I had to slit my dog's throat with a big knife. I think I woke up crying and just thinking about it now is giving me a stomach ache, I'm going to go look at cute pictures of him until I feel better.
I was going to say that Arnold Schwarzenegger and Robert Patrick are the only Terminators the world ever needed, but then I remembered Summer Glau and Garret Dillahunt in the TV show, so those 4 are the only Terminators the world will ever need.
Have you tried the latest ecclesiastical cleanse? My colon is divine.
When you listen to episodes without him, do you just mutter, "Where's Gabrus?" the whole time?