Uncanny Valet


Or Adam Sandler.

My wife is officiating my ex-girlfriend's wedding this fall, so it's definitely possible to stay friends with exes and have your new partner become close to them as well.

The delusional self-made superhero genre is a little played out…….but I'll watch John Hawkes in anything so I may have to check that one out.

I keep telling myself I'm going to finish a few other games before I pick up Zelda and completely lose myself, but then I keep reading descriptions like this and it gets harder and harder to resist…


Is Colin Farrell's character Colonel Angus?

In space, no one can hear your country being destroyed by regressive policies and hubris.

That sounds a little more Rick and Morty.

I loved her, "I started with a hypothesis and backed it up with a Vox article. Standard scientific method" line. She may be my favorite character.

Hello friends, goat fucking movie.

If it's the best goat ever, it would be a GOAT goat.

Tucker? I hardly know her! And yet will still try to normalize hatred for her autonomy and inspire others to think she should be discriminated against, gaslighted, marginalized, and disenfranchised like the past 100 years of social progress never happened.

Criminal Minds: Beyond Boarders? Do they help landlords evict squatters using forensic evidence?

"May every step you take be barefoot, and upon a LEGO."

You rock, Cameron.

My wife and I binged season 1 and 2 over the weekend and absolutely loved the show. I definitely agree that the will they/won't they dynamic with Dylan and Evie has maybe one more season's worth of material, tops, before it's totally played out. I'm hoping they get a third season so they can finish strong, and so we

I would rather eat a tin can than be a part of it.

Haven't read the books, but it sounds like a great premise for an expensive and overly-complicated board game.

2016 is truly the year….