I just want to say that this has been a great feature and I've really enjoyed reading people's questions, your responses, and the dialogue that has opened up a bit. I hope it happens again sometime in the future.
I just want to say that this has been a great feature and I've really enjoyed reading people's questions, your responses, and the dialogue that has opened up a bit. I hope it happens again sometime in the future.
I can't think of a specific question, but a few months ago I made a Venture Brothers joke on a post you put on Instagram and you laughed and then followed me back. That made me embarrassingly happy, I occasionally imagine you seeing a picture of my dog pop up (because that's all I post) and wondering to yourself, "who…
I'm actually really curious about how closely the writers pay attention to the individual commenters - do they have specific favorites? Do they talk about Dikachu's latest issues buying his condo around the water cooler or commiserate about MLA's sobrietry corner?
I just downloaded the demo last night because I had heard good things, but I haven't played it yet.
Are Peter Berg and Taylor Kitsch really too busy to bust this out over a long weekend?
Thanks for reminding me that my life has been a little bit emptier since The Indoor Kids went on hiatus…
Affordable Space Adventures is a great name, I'll check it out based on that alone.
My guess is yes - I've only seen the first episode but his warning about him hurting her when they're having sex seems to indicate that he's got some power.
I watched the first episode this morning and it definitely hooked me. I love love LOVE the music, the sultry jazz is a great fit and very unexpected for a superhero show. It looks like it's going to be a pretty depressing ride, but I'm still excited to watch most of it this weekend.
It's at 2pm.
I hope he named it after his penis.
Ohhh yeah, I forgot about Wind Waker. Maybe I'll download that tonight since my girlfriend is out of town all weekend…
I want to add - if anyone has suggestions for games to check out, either Wii U games or ones available on the virtual console, I'd love to start putting a list together. I'm already planning on getting Mario Kart 8, Yoshi's Wooly World, and Super Mario 3D World at some point, and probably all of the classic Marios,…
I don't think I have any quotes or moments to add but goddamn reading all of these responses is giving me a serious case of the warm fuzzies.
I will be playing Borderlands 2 still, and some Super Mario World on the Wii U I bought yesterday! I'm pretty psyched about the deal I got - the used 32GB version was $159, but I traded in some random games, dvds, and books and got $40 in store credit so it was super cheap. And the clerk helpfully pointed out that if…
Well played.
I feel like Wallace Shawn could have a column about hard to believe facts or something along those lines, but I can't conceive of a good name for it.
The gossip column in the magazine he runs should be called As You Dish.
Underwhelming CGI and Chris Hemsworth in a cave pool. What could possibly go wrong?
Emily Blunt would probably make a great Mara as well. Or Zoe Bell. Or Tatiana Maslany, just because.