Did they even have to do much to make Worcester look like a wasteland full of mutants?
Did they even have to do much to make Worcester look like a wasteland full of mutants?
Don't you live in Massachusetts? How's their recreation of Boston? Does knowing the area add anything to the game for you? My girlfriend grew up in the south shore area so I'm hoping when I eventually get Fallout 4 I can suck her into the game by showing her some landmarks (though as soon as I pop off a raider's head…
I'm picking up a used Wii U for $150 tonight, and I'll be getting Mario Maker with it of course. I have a few ideas for levels, I can't wait to start building! I'll be joining the Gameological Steam group to share the codes and try ones that other AVCers have made. I'll probably call in sick on Friday to enjoy a…
Fuck the guy I overheard at a party recently who said, "she's crazy, so you know she fucks." Seriously, who still thinks/talks like that? And this wasn't some 22-year old dip shit, he's a family man in his late 30's that most people consider to be a really nice guy.
I'm surprised the ad didn't overrun the space that was allotted to it…
For a while I've thought Joseph Gordon Leavitt would be a damn good Eddie as well, but yeah Aaron Paul would be awesome.
Steve Buschemi, obviously.
My favorite suggestion for Roland (that came from a thread on here a while ago) is John Hawkes. He could definitely pull off the combination of intimidating and mysterious that the roll would require, and he's got the slight build.
I'm betting the weird article structure is only for theme week articles, or sponsored articles (since all of the star wars ones are apparently brought to us by Duracell, thanks batteries!).
David Schwimmer as Ozymandius!
Only God Fortrans
Holy shit I never realized that.
A New Hope, Empire, Big Trouble in Little China, They Live, Return of the Jedi, The Thing, The Force Awakens, Fury Road.
Weren't they originally supposed to be Wookies and then they changed it for some reason?
My girlfriend and I were talking out what order we'd want our kids to watch the movies in and there's a fan-theory out there that the best order is 4, 5, 2, 3, 6 - that way the surprise of Vader being Luke's father is still preserved and 2 and 3 work as a flashback after 5. I would even argue that you could tack 1 on…
I really do hope we get some slick young Lando story in one of the spin-off movies, either the one focusing on Han or Lando's own movie. And I really hope that Chewietel Ejiofor plays him.
They can dance together, they just have to clap each other on the back kinda hard when they do it.
One of the used bundles on Nintendo's site has Super Mario 3D world, it's $225, which is a pretty damn good deal. I just found out that a local music/dvd/video game chain (Bull Moose Music, which you probably haven't heard of outside of Maine and New Hampshire) sells used Wii Us for $149, but they don't have any in…
Really, I want both. I love Mario games and haven't played them in ages and the titles available on the Wii U Virtual Console are a big selling point along with Mario Maker, Mario Kart 8, and the Star Fox and Zelda games coming out next year. I also never played Wind Waker so I'd like to check out the HD version. I…
I'm hoping someone builds a ramp that leads into their compound, but it's actually a seesaw that traps the raiders in a pit and activates an elaborate rube-goldberg style device that ends with a nuke rolling down a chute onto them, or something along those lines.