Uncanny Valet

Well now I'm totally going to make my Fallout 4 characters look just like Picard and Dr Crusher.

I'm really excited about that aspect of the game. I dug the idea behind building a house in Skyrim, but never felt like the system was as robust or user friendly as it should have been. This seems much better. I can't wait to see what people create. Have you watched the Clueless Gamer segment on Fallout 4? They

I finished Mr Torgue's Campaign of Carnage yesterday so this weekend will be devoted to diving back into Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep now that I have a few more levels and some more badass weapons. Once that's done it will be decision time - Wii U or PS4? I've been obsessing over Mario Maker since it came out

I forgot about Mission Impossible - I liked Ghost Protocol but missed Rogue Nation. I actually really liked Paul as well, so he's not batting .000 outside of Edgar Wright's movies, it just seems like he could be a little more selective. But what do I know? I've worked shitty jobs that seemed like they'd be good as

I really hope Lake Bell doesn't fall into the Simon Pegg-esque trap of being a funny, interesting, talented actor who keeps ending up in really shitty movies…

Sounds like it would have been way more interesting if it had been directed by Brian De Palma.

I just started watching Mr Show, I think I'm 2 episodes in and even though the style is SUPER dated, the comedy is still great. I love the surreal nature of some of the sketches and how they run together and I've genuinely laughed out loud a few times, I'm excited to keep watching it and then go right into the new

That's as ridiculous as them liking a stand-up special starring Amy Schumer and Patton Oswalt.

I read it a while ago and liked it. That's about as much as I can say about it, though maybe I just didn't get what makes it a classic.

This morning facebook told me Nick Offerman is playing Ignatius in a stage version of Confederacy of Dunces in Boston for much of November and December. I just bought tickets for my girlfriend and I for when we go to her family's for Hanukkah. I'm so freakin' excited.

I hate to admit it but I've never seen Mr Show, but I did just discover that they're on Amazon Instant for $5 per season, so it looks like I'll be rectifying that shortly.



I'm pretty sure it is Lupita Nyongo, but her character is mo-capped cgi, so it doesn't count? Maybe?

I actually don't know a thing about Warcraft, so I'm glad to hear that there's some complexity to the plot and characters. Duncan Jones doesn't seem like your typical director so maybe he'll pull off something surprising. It does feel like they're trying to show that the orcs are real characters with understandable

If they actually create some real characters with realistic motivations on both sides and have a central conflict that's more grey than black and white it could make for a really interesting and unique fantasy movie. However, the trailer definitely makes it look like a trite pile of CGI garbage, so I'm not holding my

"They've replaced his blood with kerosene and if he runs fast enough it keeps the flames from enveloping him. Guys I swear this will be awesome!"

If it isn't Crank 3: The Crankening I'm not interested.

Are we sure it's not Michael Showalter in makeup?

That was pretty awesome. I don't care if it looks Top Gun-esque, I love the shot of the TIEs in front of the sun, it's gorgeous and not like anything we've seen in a Star Wars movie before. And Chewie roaring and clicking a detonator is awesome. For some reason I now think that Ren is a clone of Luke and Rey is a