Uncanny Valet

Yeah, I got so fucking mad trying to get around the Hammerlock map, I'm never, ever going back there.

More Borderlands 2 for me. I kept running into high-level characters I couldn't beat so I backed out of Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep and decided to give Torgue's Campaign of Carnage a try. There are a few things about traversing the map that are annoying me, but other than that it's a blast. The characters are

Did you see the dog blowing a bubble? There's no way this isn't amazing.

They can take turns.

Maybe there can be a sequel that combines the two movies and it's Sisters vs Sisters and later, they bone.

I just meant if you work on the show it'd be more likely to happen.

If I haven't watched in two years will it still count as a boycott when I don't watch this?

I really hope you're actually a writer on the show.

He should play a criminal that Jo Lo Truglio tries to chase down.

I haven't seen a porn bot on here before, just the "work from home for $6,000/hour" sort of posts. I don't really mind the porn.

Could Luke be Kylo Ren? Unlikely sir. They spell and pronounce their names differently.

Presumably they're still collecting signatures, I think they're aiming for a ballot question next go-round.

This is pretty minor, but I've been obsessing over Mario Maker since it came out and I finally got to play it at a friends house this weekend (I swear I'm older than 12, even though it doesn't sound like it). I loved it, here's hoping there are some good Wii U deals come black Friday…

Fuck the people in Maine videotaping everyone at poll stations who signed a petition for a ballot initiative to add stricter background checks for gun purchases. Lots of people reported feeling intimidated by them even though what they were doing is perfectly legal. If you want to prove you're in the right on an

So is this a bad time to say I could really use $20?

But test audiences hated it, and they're never wrong!

I just looked it up, apparently Nonso Anonzie originally recorded the voice of Iorek. I thought I remembered an actor I was familiar with originally being slated to voice Iorek but apparently not, since I didn't know who Nonso was until he played Daro Daron Ducksauce on Game of Thrones. There are a lot of weird words

Wasn't Ian McShane originally going to do the voice?

She was pretty great as well. The cast really wasn't the problem in that case anyway. God that neutered ending…*shudder*