Uncanny Valet

Could she be a young version of River Song? Since she can regenerate she could be considered a "new" character if it's an incarnation we haven't seen. Full disclosure, I haven't actually seen the latest season so I have no idea if anything relating to River was revealed, and I don't really remember all of the

Maybe it was much more progressive than it seemed - I didn't see the movie so I don't know, but did they specify who was going to be receiving?

Just today?

There was a time when I was obsessed with the original God of War and I could beat it in under 3 hours. I just checked the speedrun stats and the #1 spot is around 1.5 hours, but the #4 rank is 2.5 hours, which I possibly could have beat when I was playing a lot.

This is the biggest conflict between a Drake and a Mill since that duck got caught in my grandfather's water wheel back in '78.

I'd love something totally out of left field like Andrew WK.

Twitter. It's a helluva drug.


Another Period

I replied before I scrolled down. Rookie mistake.

The Biggest Loser

Worst TV Show to Name Your Dick After Thread:

I just started listening to CBB after going through all of the Podcast Pilot Project. I'm not listening to every episode, but I always do the ones with Andy Daly. He may be the funniest man alive.

In the spirit of the show, shouldn't they be giving Review ratings out of 5 stars rather than letter grades?

Así que decir que todos.

That TSA joke must have had some AMAZING delivery.

Terry Crews would also be great.

I think we're responding to different questions.

So, Idris Elba is the correct answer, right?

Thanks for sharing the History of Cartography link! I'm a Geographic Information Systems analyst, so most of my education and work experience involve doing data management and analysis with maps, but it's really nice to dig into the history occasionally and see what people did before they had computers to handle the