Uncanny Valet

I'm mostly intrigued because some people really hate it, some people really love it, and a lot of people are in the middle, so it's obviously very much a matte of personal preference and I don't think I'll go in with any per-conceived notions and will actually be able to reach my own conclusions, but with just enough

Did they have prime day deals on Fosters and giant knives at least?

I'm really enjoying playing through Borderlands 2 as the Siren. The first time I played the game I was the Gunzerker and I almost always play though games as a heavy/brute character when given the choice (probably because I relate to them in real life). I don't usually go for characters that require a bit more

I was THIS close to buying the PS4/Akrham Knight bundle that was $100 off during Prime day this week, but I just couldn't justify it. Even with all of the mixed reviews, especially related to the Batmobile, I can't wait to check it out. I also skipped Origins so I haven't played a Batman game since Arkham City, so

I get that part (though I thought it would typically be news.au). News.com is just such a generic name, it seems a little suspect.

Should that be Drunk History under Variety Sketch Series, or is there actually a show called Drunk that someone nobody on here is watching?

The Resistance episode of Tabletop was a lot of fun to watch. Though it really seems like a good game for ending friendships rather than starting them.

That could be risky - what if all 19 kids gain super powers?

You'll find out when you get there.

Spike Lee tweets Parker Posey's moisture farm address.

Something something uranus.

It's awesome, but it's better on a tablet than a phone.

Badland is a fun time-waster of a game, and the art is gorgeous. If you have friends (not necessarily a given on here), Spaceteam is really fun, especially at a loud bar. Threes is also good for killing 5-10 minutes.

And his head.

Hodor Smacks - theeeeeeeeeey're HODOR.

I remember how excited I was the first time I got past the Turbo Tunnel, only to be greeted with that shitty, shitty ice level.

The hot wheels track being used to save a crashing helicopter was definitely the dumbest thing in the movie, and possibly in all of cinema.

I got to take my puppy swimming in a pool on Sunday, when it was about 90 degrees out. It was ridiculously cute and fun. There were other fun things this weekend, but that was by far the highlight.