Uncanny Valet

It's Friday, I'm in line.

It's going to be a beautiful, picturesque Maine summer weekend, so I'll be playing "take the dog on a hike as an attempt to feel less shitty about my body". And some Borderlands 2.

Her subplot was arguably the best thing Dexter ever did. I can't wait to see her kicking ass on the Good Wife, until they suddenly forget she exists.

Non-ironic slow clap for that choice of header photo.

I always assumed it was a murder-suicide pact but they just couldn't bring themselves to include the kids. But then again, I'm a little messed up.

Yeah that's kind of why I wanted to read it. I haven't read the book since the show started and having a stronger grasp of the characters, as well as a renewed interest in the events of books 4 and 5 as they relate to the later seasons of the show, will hopefully make reading them a little more closely a fairly

Have you read Brian K Vaughn's other stuff? Y: The Last Man is amazing, and Ex Machina is pretty interesting though I had issues with it.

Saga is SO good. I've got every individual issue, I re-read them a lot when they come back from hiatus. The story and the characters are super engaging, and the art is just stellar. Keep at it, it gets better and better.

Fuck not getting a job that you actually want!

In this case it's the outline of a tumbler of whiskey.

Before or after he lost the weight?


As long as whomever plays Kunta Kinte goes on to play Geordi LaForge in the eventual Star Trek TNG reboot I'll be ok with. You gotta maintain some sort of continuity.

God's Not Dead 2 Bad All These Un-vaccinated Children Are

I've been waiting for part 2 - thanks for mentioning that it's up!

Haven't you heard? It can be two things.

I tried episode 1 of both Game of Thrones and Borderlands and I enjoyed them, but they ran like total shit on the Xbox 360, hopefully I can afford a PS4 this year and I'll try them again on there…

Thanks! I want to start browsing them from the beginning, but there's so many! The first time I tried listening to the show the style was a bit off-putting, but I just listened to the "heynong man" episode and the one with the guys from Silicon Valley and I'm getting into the groove of the show. I also mainlined

I bet he tasted like space chicken. Or Howard the Duck.

That sounds amazing. I'm just starting to get into CBB, I'm mostly looking for episodes with people I like on as guests. Which episode is this from?