Uncanny Valet

Speaking of celebrities and twitter, I had a dream last night that I created a website called distancefromclooney.com that would read your location and use the location of George Clooney's latest tweet to tell you how far you are from George Clooney. The best part is the website would return the distance as

Let's not belabor day this point.

Yes, but not "ha-ha" funny.

I hope they have rashers of bacon.

Chicken parm isn't vegan?

Among the many, many things I'm loving about the final season is how they keep setting up big conflicts/story lines that could be the focus of the final arc and then resolving them in an episode or two. Leslie and Ron's falling out, the Gryzzl campus on the Sweetums land, Donna's wedding, and now Ben running for

Yeah, but let's talk about real accomplishments. What's his upvote/comment ratio?

Would you rather have GWAR or Dawes plan your parent's anniversary party?

She holds a gun like a girl.

I remembered recently that I picked up Dishonored on the Steam holiday sale, so I'll hopefully get to spend a little time playing that.

Speaking of shitty - who else is in the northeast and buried under 2-3 feet of snow? I've shoveled 4 times today and need to go out again soon, and taking the puppy outside has been pretty interesting. My office closed, but since I can work remotely I'm still expected to put in a full day's work, which really takes

I haven't watched Sleepy Hollow since it came back from winter break, but tonight's episode sounds fun, it may suck me back in…

I watched Ass Backwards, which wasn't great, Blue Ruin, which was tense as hell, and Lucy, which I enjoyed despite it being about as dumb as it seemed to think it was smart. I also burned through the first seasons of Broad City and Review last week, loving both, and re-watched season 1 of The Venture Bros. I worked

Wouldn't it have to be an audio recording? Not that that would be possible, just more historically accurate.

Are you really Buzz Burbank? Because that would be amazing.

I had an odd existential moment when Leslie's timeline showed Morningstar happening in January 2015. I thought, "holy shit, that's happening right now!". It gave me the same weird feeling I had when I realized that Sally Draper was born the same year as my mom.

I've been pretty impressed with the subtlety as well, I was worried they were going to over-do things a bit when the commercials focused on it being 2017. I bet that when my girlfriend watches last night's episode she's going to ask me when Elton John bought Chick-fil-a.

I can't wait to see that plot unfold - I'm curious if Wynn Duffy is working with Dillahunt or if he's trying to grab up land using Boyd to steal deeds as a way to offset whatever Dillahunt is trying to do by buying it. At some point there's going to be a standoff, and it's going to be awesome.

The mute hunk throws the piano through the window and escapes.

Do we want to know what's in the barrel?