Dunning Kruger

First: fandom please check your privilege, the fact that well known and useful narratives like relationships and sexual interests have become hot topics is troubling on multiple levels.
Second: Both Jack and Ashii are litttle more than blank state characters (excluding these last episodes) please wait a little more

Penis jokes, child nudity, suicide…
And an episode that clearly define the difference between "nostalgia" and "legacy". This show was amazing but now has reached the level of real magnificence.

Italian food, especially pasta, it's something really cheap, easy and quick to do; carbonara, together with other classics like "cacio & pepe" and "ajo,ojo e peperoncino" (garlic, oil and red chili pepper) are among the first recipes you learn.
There are as many carbonara recipes as there are people cooking it; the

A good vegetarian carbonara can be achieved using finely sliced courgettes and/or onions in place of bacon: you have to gently stir-fry them until they bend and the borders appear crisp. Then follow the normal recipe.
Sometimes this version it's offered in vegetarian restaurant here.

Sorrentino is a really good director unfortunately in his works he is more concerned on the aesthetic aspect over the thematic ones. This is especially true when catholic church is involved: the ending of "The Big Beauty" was infuriating (and it kept going with the ending titles over the Tiber…) and this is more or

Let me see… Top selling videogames are still militaristic war games where you shoot brown people with fetish guns. Yep! Totally apolitical! Nothing to see here.

My personal take is that "Hated in the nation" it's a clear Charlie Brooker self-portrait. He realized of having being trapped by his own work and he simply hates that.

I loved the scene when Lacie sees the dust gently hoovering in the light like in a religious epiphany.
Now sorry but i am going to shut off my pc and mobile for a walk in the park.

I really liked the Greer's remark of the fact that Samaritan is the only thing able to make humanity overcome the next Civilization Great filter. I love when this series goes full on bleak scientific futurism: like the fact that Samaritan is a fascist megalomaniac dictator because he reflects our fantasies.

AAA producer being AAA: fans ask for sequel with same mechanics, they get reboot with totally different ones.

Love the video (and probably the movie too) but about the title: this is at least the 3rd article i read that opens with the same theme.

Let's be honest for once: the vast majority of fan-fiction is simply masturbation, a juvenile inability to let go based on a sense on entitlement born on having spent so much time with certain characters and situations.

So many mixed feelings: on one side PoI is the only show to talk about ASI, Mass surveillance and Free Will in a technological society… On the other it is so filled with tropes that makes you scream in rage: infinite clean shoot-outs taken straight from the '80, lesbian characters that must die as soon as they declare

It's weird that you found this episode not that good… I think instead it's one of the most hilarious piece of entertainment ever aired. Just remember that we are talking about a kids cartoon show, not an essay on the role of contemporary post-feminism in media.

Well, if in an interview that contains the sentence "‘There are so many people who do amazing work which is unheralded and unrecognised. I do what I do because I like doing it. I’m well paid for it. I get far too much adulation compared with what it’s worth" You feel the need to point out instead a obvious sentence of

For what I understood between the dissolution of the Marvel Commitee and the general unpleasantness of Ike Perlmutter now Marvel Movies and TV are existing in two separate universes.

Between the mind control, the face off with her captor and the new outfit, are they trying to make Daisy more Jessica Jonesy?

How can you guys be so pumped for a show that makes you stare at the nihilism of life and the excruciating depression it brings?

Yeah, good remake but…. Is it metal enough?

Geez… Really? Comics still use these cheap shock tactics nowdays?