Dunning Kruger

You are reading way too much in a movie that seems picked directly from a comic (one of the bad one): Evil awakens - good guys fight - good guys make peace and face the evil because Status Quo.

These studies are keen on politics but not so much on animation techniques… Eh?

It's funny because you think that Fury Road can win something more than a technical prize… It's about Oscars, not Cinema! Dah!

It's actually kind of funny how they are trying to use the inhumans as the mutants: "Feared and mistrusted children of the ato.. Kree!".

Heil Rollo! Duke of Normady, First of the Normans, Head of the de Normadie dynasty, ancestor of William the Conqueror!

…so we can expect "50 shades of Kindergarden" in 5-6 years right?

Am I the only one who got the feel that the character of Jiaying was a last minute recover? Don't take me wrong, the more Dichen Lackman the better, but her character makes little sense being alive from a narrative stand point; she was also confined in the whole "No one must know I'm your mother".

More DIchen Lachman and a setup that's leading towards the best Battlestar Galactica times… With trials that usually end with a forced exit through an airdock. Now if only AoS could land a role for Olivia Williams i think it can reach a newer level in fanservice.

How handy; almost all the deaths can classified under "shock vaiue" and "get rid of plot going nowhere"

I'm a bit troubled on this series of events: on the good side we got all the espionage, fist fights, superpowers and betrayal we crave from this serie. On the bad side it seems only an Hydra plot rehash that makes me wonder about all the future Civl War scenarios (comic stories why are you so dumb?)

In Wessex adultery is punished with mutilation, in Kattegat your wike is your Bro.
By the way, no one pointed out that Alfred is born; i think he's going to beacme a quite important character in Viking Season 9.

…Lagertha is officially a GILF

I read only the first run of the comic and i didn't find any reason to continue it; the show is having the opposite effect: it's quirk, smart, funny and incredibly self-aware. The dialogues are simply delightful and I find refreshing the reversal on the case-of-the-week formula: they aren't investigated but randomly

Let me understand: this show is about a Christ figure raised by a trio of war veterans: an officier with PTSD, a child soldier and a "personified true love experience" (with a knack for punching) living all together in an happy queer nuclear family while total annihilation lingers just outside the scene…

Here only to drop a line of comment to show how much i liked this interview!

To create one of the most engaging, heart-fell couples on TV only blow everything up to show the other side of the coin… This is, simply put, master lever writing

Sorry but I don't agree with this review: this season of Shameless seems based on the premise of "characters vs something they cannot tackle" and, in this episode, the theme explodes in full force.

So the Wanderer was a way to justify Ivar nickname and to reconcile the character with his historical figure, a clever play… That makes me want a Viking season 9 with Rangar's sons and Alfred the Great!

Woah… That was intense!
One of the thing I love the most of this show is its willingness to subvert any expectation on how "classical family animation" should work: the characters show real evolution, switch sides or enter (and exit) the main cast; There are real cliffhangers that alter the setting and the balances but

In a "Screenwipe" episode Paul Abbot (the original creator of the uk series) said that that Shameless was conceived as a show depicting the real damages of alcoholism instead of the "happy goofy drunkards" that normally get a pass on tv.