
Not gonna lie, most weekends the only reason I log onto Jezebel is for the shelter cat update post. :D Thank you for your service!

Yes, I would.

As an Old who doesn’t get the whole “private Stories on Instagram, I want to roll my eyes a little bit at that because there’s never anything truly private on the internet. But honestly, whatever gets her through.

But how does she feel about exposed ankles?!? The world evidently needs to know her unsolicited opinion about that too!

Preach. I wouldn’t consider any of them the Great American Novel but clearly they provide happy reading for a ton of people. I have no doubt it’s a full time job, and a serious work ethic, to produce that many books per year. She may have a formula, but it’s a very successful one.

The most fascinating thing, for me, is finding out she’s a real, singular individual. She’s so incredibly prolific my friends and I fully believed “Nora” consisted of a group of writers just using the same pen name

I mean. If you make the deliberate choice to work for evil but are “terrified they would find out that I was one of the so-called evil people” then maybe it’s time to re-evaluate your life choices and possibly your decision-making process.

Same. The first thing I did was turn off all the other player functionality in the settings; the reason I play the game is for its solitary aspects.

I would echo this and add, the second year may also be an issue and may bear vigilance as well. The second year was hardest, emotionally, for me. Anecdata aside they don’t call it the Sophomore Slump for nothing.

Nope, not unreasonable. You’re setting boundaries for your own mental and physical health. Boundaries are good. I’ve had to set some with my mother and she similarly doesn’t get it, so we aren’t in contact much at all. The hardest part I had about all of it was giving up on the ideal of what I thought our relationship

Also, the people in Flint, Michigan who are *still* dealing with undrinkable water.

Not only that, but check out which three things are considered most important here, and how each of those three wildly disparate things are given equal weight. It’s like a panflute made of dogwhistles.

Scrutiny of candiates is good. A double standard is not good, especially when most people don’t or can’t acknowledge it’s even a thing.

Either it’s a society without women, or a society in which women are rare (the mother character). Either way, hard pass.

Fair, and that definitely changes the meaning. However, shading your predecessor is all well and good but “working on it” doesn’t really inspire a whole lot of confidence, given the Church’s previous foot-dragging over child abuse. They’ve been “working on that” for a couple of decades now and priests are still

His fever dreams?

My thoughts echo the part of the article that mentions he built much of his fortune off Starbucks. It’s what got him, in large part, where he is.

I love how the conversation’s all about the pope’s courage. Yes, how brave of him.

Build a really big wall around it.

Cool. It would have been great had she reached out prior to releasing the test results, though. None of it helped anybody.