Jerk your knee much or just a jerk?
Jerk your knee much or just a jerk?
For $20, and everyone saying it's the exact same content, I'd say that's much better.
This game is looking better and better every time I see it. I love you, Criterion. I want to have your collective babies.
Tolkien wrote for his kids, actually.
"Assuming we don't die tonight." That just breaks my heart.
Reminds me of the first time I got into a tank battle at night in the original Operation Flashpoint. All you could see were muzzle flashes from the tanks. It was so awesome.
Not true. There was that dungeon hack n slash game that was free to play. If you wanted other characters, however, you had to buy them.
You know how much this would have cost you back in the day? A bike ride and a quarter. $5 for 10 minutes is not worth it. I'm all for shorter, experimental stuff, but let's be reasonable. If I can play "I maed a gaem with z0mb1es in it" (or however it's spelled) for $1, I just don't see a reason for the gap in…
This is extremely evocative of the Dig. Also, total NSFW shot at the bottom. How dare you post naked sprites!
How sad that people feel they must live their lives according to the traditions set before them. Even when I was in high school, many people did not attend prom, guys and girls alike. My prom was pretty garbage, but the follow-up party was awesome.
Hmmm.... it ain't Tecmo Soccer, and if it ain't Tecmo Soccer, it ain't the right footy RPG!
The system from Ys I and II
Naw, the first two games are quite beloved. The one nobody liked was 3.
4 is available in English. SNES version.
God, that collector's edition looks awesome. Doubt we'll get anything like it, but so long as we get the game, I'll be happy!
I'm playing the first game now. It, like any other JRPG, isn't so hard if you spend time levelling. With the bump system, though, leveling is FAST, and the fun part about Chronicles (the PSP version) is that every monster gibs gloriously when you kill 'em.
It is much better than Mask of the Sun, but not considered canon. Boo-urns.
Everyone's different. While I think Grave... is good, it is way too depressing to top my list. Mine would go like-ah so:
Dude, I'm lucky if I can even post a comment at all on this site.
8 does not belong in tier 1 at ALL. 4 should go up one or two tiers and 8 should go down to three. Yes, subjective opinion, but 8 is probably the worst in the main line of the series.