
I totally don't remember how I got mine. I think it was for the lyrics to the Ban Monday song, but now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I was starred long before I wrote those out. I'm pretty sure it was just randomly handed out to me back when we had extremely long discussions here.

Never mind, just found out myself. Hooray for more poorly-implemented designs. I honestly wonder who the people are that pitch these ideas in such a way to get the suits excited.

Wait, what's in the works for this site??

For a rail shooter, it's pretty much what you expect. For a Resident Evil fan, it's a fun treat to revisit some classic moments from the first four games in the series with re-done cutscenes and a romp through familiat territory. I loved them, but a rail shooter is a rail shooter is a rail shooter.

*scratches notepad*

That would be Keroro Gunsou!!!! GerogeroGerogeroGerogeroGeroge...

Hm, what was first variations on a video has now become variations on a slideshow. I don't think they did it very well this time around, either. I think we need to retake the retaking of Mass Effect. How can you all be satisfied with a slideshow? I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves for accepting such a

Why did the malaria give you such a hard time? Dude has infinite peelz.

The wealth of information off that PBS link is amazing. I was about 10 when all this stuff went down and it really passed over my head. Later on when I looked stuff up, it was encyclopedic entries and that kind of stuff. This, on the other hand, is some seriously documented stuff. Thanks for the link, Bash!

I dunno why, but all I can think of is Blazing Dragons. I know this game is nothing at all like that one (I refuse to acknowledge that there was a show), but it's impossible for me to think otherwise.

Really, BioWare coulda thrown money at this guy and just appended this on as a UFO Ending or something and be done with it. haha

Exactly. I want them to shut up about it at least. Fans will say whatever they want and more power to them. I still demand a Shenmue 3 knowing full well I'll never get it. Point is, Yu Suzuki doesn't even pay attention to people like me and Squeenix should follow suit.

I don't mean oust him out of the company entirely. Just don't put him on the FF projects. I know exactly what his involvement is in each FF game he's touched and I'm of the opinion that the overall game design and story use his character designs as a foundation to build on. If not that, one hand definitely

I still think the Animal House ending was the best one.

First, how do you not have that picture saved already? It's much larger and doesn't have annoying Impact font on it.

HD remake is fine. Nothing wrong with re-tooling an old game with new textures. What people want is a whole re-do of FF7 like the tech demo they made of the intro.

Step 1: Get rid of Nomura

I never turn them on. They're very rarely timed with delivery (like in Japanese variety shows or perhaps the official subbing done on Excel Saga (best subs ever)) and are a big distraction for me. The only time I ever turn them on is when the sound engineer didn't do a very good job with mixing and the ambient noise

Yep. Discovered that the first time as I realized I had walked down the wrong path (the camera cuts were a bit misleading and I wasn't paying attention to colors). By the time I got back to the hub and started climbing the path I wanted, the game ended.