
I honestly think 2 is the peak of the series. There were so many vast improvements over 1 (especially the fact that I didn't have to drive the effin' Mako around everywhere) that made 2 a much better, much more solid game to play. I got bored a LOT in ME1, not so in ME2. They took a lot of lessons from the first

I don't disagree with you in any way. If you ask me, he's being overly defensive about it. Just trying to clarify, really.

That is a really cool effect. I've never seen that before. I started clicking the pics before reading the article and just assumed that I was looking at fake cityscapes. I suppose now I have some research to do.

I don't know. It seems with the amount of 'people' in the rotation every year that seem to rake in a lot of quick cash, I'm not so certain these things aren't robots.

And yet people like Happy Boy and the "gets" guy (Dandy, I think?) are gangbusters. There's no accounting for taste ANYWHERE in the world.

Really, this doesn't amount to anything more than a +1 comment, but "who put the yak piss on the dresser" made me lose my shit laughing. hahaha

Japan loves Spidey because in Japan, Spidey had a robot! Now you put that in the movie? I'll go watch it.

Not remotely. It has more in common with Skullmonkeys than Amnesia, which is not a bad thing at all. Skullmonkeys rocks!

I don't think he was implying that the students need to make it accessible to the deaf. He's just asking people to show some respect for gamers who are deaf and not be so jokey with the whole thing.

My guess is they won't show you a single thing about who's under the mask and just have the other characters talking around the Pyro. Or you know, South Park's Kenny.

My guess it would be related to this:

Cause it seems like a much better game than Sword of... And most of the people who have played it tend to say so. Blizzard made some shitty games back in the day; doesn't mean they didn't improve.

I lost my memory card towards the end of the game (got packed in my Point Blank box for some reason) and didn't find it for about 3 years. I finished the game then. I still think VI was the best one they made.

I... uh... what? haha Thanks for the nomination, KBT.

Now playing

I know it would be incredibly successful, but the idea of playing through FF7 all over again doesn't sound very appealing to me. I think if they ever do an HD version of the game, I'll just watch an entertaining LP of it.

It's not so much the crazy arms or the turkey legs that terrify me; it's that oddly serene baby face coming out of the groin.

I think you're being tricked, Evan. It's not actually as detailed as it looks. There's some really good lighting and texture work going on here, but it doesn't seem to be outside of the capabilities of current hardware. At the same time, it's hard to say if it could maintain a decent framerate.

Canon or not, the game was not very good, even when it was new. The only reason I put time into it was because it was Berserk. If it had any other license attached to it, it wouldn't have got more than a few minutes.

While a part of me has to admit that free content is awesome and I'm curious about the possibilities, I would LOVE for BioWare to pretty much just give players the equivalent "Just kidding LOL". I'm not saying the ending was what I wanted it to be, but it was what it was and I kinda wish they stuck to their guns,

Those things happen, too, I'm sure. Probably a lot more frequently than the guy doing it on a 50' monitor. It just doesn't make news.