Hey. Haven't commented in years. Haven't read Kotaku in years. Just signed in to say one thing:
There was actually a Robotech game on the PS2, I think. It sucked. And it cockblocked a real Macross game from coming here.
There was actually a Robotech game on the PS2, I think. It sucked. And it cockblocked a real Macross game from coming here.
Hmmmm.... Nope. Not Malukah. So here's Malukah!
Well, all I can really say was that I was disappointed when "it's not important" was the answer. Even saying "we don't want to take sides" would have sufficed, but he totally wrote it off. RPS, on the other hand, tipped their hand early and I respect them a lot for it.
What I find fascinating is that when this whole thing was breaking out, someone asked why Kotaku wasn't covering it and you said that you didn't think it was important. Now we've got one of the longest articles I've seen on Kotaku in a long time and while I'm not looking to chastise you, I am curious why the sudden…
Jason, are you aware that Suikoden is based off a classic Chinese novel? Your suggestion of changing the name seems to suggest this is not the case, but I'm just curious. Granted, none of the games except the first even try to attempt to be like the book (the version I have is known as Outlaws of the Marsh, but it's…
Ultimately depends on the game for me. If the game engages me, I won't notice the time passing by. A slower-paced game, say one where at least a quarter of the game (say 5 out of 20 hours) is simply reading text or talking to people is more likely to have my eyes shut on me. I've only ever actually passed out once…
Sounds to me like you need a better genre of game to suit your needs. May I suggest the adventure game?
Why's everyone always forgetting to mention Code: Veronica? That game is one of the best in the series, imo, but noooooo, it's all about 4 this and 4 that. Lemme tell you something - 4 broke my heart. Not because it was a bad game, but because they took away my favorite part of the entire series: The Umbrella…
Is this a co-ed jail or did they bring two prisons together to put on this show? Completely unrelated, I wish the P on the back of the black shirts was an R.
What, no song and choreographed dance? No music video and variety show appearance? Pfft. Way to phone it in.
It doesn't make sense if they are targeting people who aren't fans of the original. Calling it X-Com was a terrible mistake from a marketing standpoint, especially given the backlash that it created. Granted, the game's aesthetics are cool, but watching that E3 demo just made me think it was a Brothers in Arms…
Kind of a dumb idea considering IE gets patched almost weekly for exploits and 360s don't have a roll-back. Without a content filter, people are going to be breaking machines left, right, and center.
haha I was a kid when the original Macross was airing and that is nostalgia for me. After that, M7 was a huge disappointment. I, too, love He-Man and Thundercats and Silverhawks and to some extent, even Brave Starr. I don't think I'm younger than you, dude.
The game feels like when I was a kid and had all these heavily-armed GI Joes and Cobras spread out all over the room and I would run between the two sides en-acting small parts of the (obviously) epic battle being fought for control of the living room. In other words, this is the game I wanted to see happen, and they…
Why on earth would you resurrect the crap that was M7? I'm saying it right here - M7 was crap and I have no idea how it spawned two seasons and a follow up series.
Raise a glass to the Sarge!
I'm so used to seeing Biz's paintings (in fact that's all I've seen), I had no idea that artwork was his!