What’s the matter, nigger, you can dish it out but you can’t take it?
What’s the matter, nigger, you can dish it out but you can’t take it?
Look, this nigger thinks he’s funny! What? I thought racial slurs were ok around here!
What about fuck? Does it purify fuck because that guy had the fuck knocked clean out of him and it was probably all over the ring.
Nintendo is at a point now where they really need to either shit or get off the pot. They either need to get meaningful third party support by releasing a console that isn’t gimmicked fuckery or just accept that hardware development is no longer their thing and make games for the other systems.
You’ll probably have a good chuckle when they get around to filling you in on nigger. Or is it only ok to use terms like that for certain people?
How many successful consoles had almost no meaningful third party support in their first year? Sony and Microsoft can get away with shirking on the first party support because they have nearly every third party maker of software putting out games for their system. They know they will have big releases where as…
To be fair where else are you going to be able to play Skyrim?
Hey by the end of the year it will be a 600 dollar Zelda AND MARIO machine . . . . . oh wait, hold on we will probably have that sweet sweet Skyrim action by then too. You know that game we were all playing on our Xbox 360/PS3 during Obama’s first term? Yeah, that’s umm something.
Yeah, this is a loooong wait and see for me. Right now it has all of SIX exclusive games scheduled to come out from now until the end of the year. Six! That’s counting Zelda which is also on the damned WiiU. Everything else from now until the end of the year has for the most part long been available elsewhere. Hell,…
Bet he won’t do that again. . . . you know, cause he’s dead. . . .
I bet you get all kinds of fucking uppity when people start saying nigger. . . . .
A 911 dispatcher is not, in any way shape or form the “police”. They are little more than fancy call center operators.
Yep, the piece of shit that once decided he was going to assault someone a second time because they didn’t bleed enough the first time he assaulted them was going to become a lawyer or astronaut. That’s god damned rich! Let’s be fucking real, this little shit that was kicked out of his own mother’s home for being such…
So, how many games did you have to delay in order to get this done and where would be the proper place to send my death threats?
You do the only manly thing you can and whip your dick out and start jacking of course!
That’s all well and good Nintendo can continue to shit the bed and do business as though we are still stuck on the other side of god damned Y2K but that will do little to change the fact that when it comes to making hardware they are a relic who’s time has come and gone.
You want to talk the “strength” of their business? It’s not in hardware I promise you that. Nintendo is a maker of really good software that insists on continuing to compete (if you could call these death throws competing) in a hardware market that has passed them by a very long time ago when they told Sony to go…
Well shucks! If only there was something they could have done, or not done, that would have prevented these people from being in that situation in the first place. It’s a crying shame the US government sent their goon squads into the third world mud holes these people are from and forced them illegally into this…