Duncan Lievi

It was more of a life altering decision. It wasnt a givrn that he would die. It's not my intention to shit on Iris' character. I don't despise her. It seemed to me to be very convenient timing, that didn't exactly make it easy for him to decide.

I've got nothing against the character. Just how the snenario played out, and the circumstances surrounding it didn't seem to reflect well on her.
But she's covered. Got a slew of supporters now. The shippers aren't too far behind either.

Sounds fair enough.
One other thing is that, there was no mention of the clear threat to his life. Sure, he'd be struck by lightning. He survived that before. So the odds weren't exactly titled against him. He has the speed force.
The decision was more about whether or not he wants to be a superhero again. Is it an

Yes exactly. It's like being told you're meant to be with someone so you go along with the narrative. Following a script of some kind.
Now that she has lost Eddie and it seems like Barrie is vulnerable because of a serious decision he has to make, she thinks why not give this a try? (Should be fun)

The time to tell him about those developed feelings was definitely not when he has this decision to make.
But no, she would lay that piece of information on him now. At a time when, that revelation isn't remotely close to the significance of the decision regarding his powers. If her feelings for him aren't dependant

So about Iris. I love all the women on the show, but this entitled attitude is not exactly making anyone like her.

By making the same mistake he made with Juliette. Lack of communication. He is waiting for her to screw up and did not make any effort to comfort her when she landed a hypothetical scenario on him where she regained her powers.

Just going to put it out there.
Adalind and Nick have more screen chemistry than Rosalee and Munroe in season 5. Neither pairing has gotten much time, but Munrosalee has not had any significant plotline in ages. That may be the reason.

So Monroe really needs more screentime. Nick being irrational toward Adalind is hopefully foretelling of some consequence. Renard remains the removed intriguing figure. Rosalee is great as always.
The less logic applied to the Diana storyline, the better.

If Jess is less zany, then Reagan = Jess. The Jess character has already run its course. Reagan benefits from lack of exposure, fresh dynamics and the rest of the cast shining through in Jess' absence.
Boyfriends, different jobs and 'weirdness' strewn across 5 seasons without any character development (Jess literally

The ratings grew from season 8 and the show is still doing well. Season 13 is being discussed. Screw the haters. Simply don't watch it.

Yes true, I was just looking for some sort of reminder. But that might have been done on purpose. thanks.

Totally agreed. I last laughed at the thumbs up-to-the-mirror scene. Which is longer than two episodes.
I always believes Schmidt carried the show mostly, until Winston Bishop had something to say about that this season.

Too little of Munroe and Rosalee.
Same could be said about Adalind. She is a very strong actress and has not been getting chances to show it. The hottie-in-a towel (no arguments there, but is that all she is good for?) treatment this week was a testament to that.

No arguments there. At least he is twice as funny as Jess.

Jess is the only character not moving forward. It's her job and it's her exes……and it's Nick. Nothing else.

I loved the Ambrose-Lesnar segment. It was wonderful. However I look at it, Dean Ambrose IS the road to Wrestlemania. He feuded with HHH, Reigns, Lesnar, Wyatts and Owens……ridiculously surpassing all my expectations. He is going to be filthy over with the crowd, which probably justifies my frustration over his

And after he actually does kill Death, the show is down its most compelling character for no reason.

'Oh, it's Patrick' - Monroe

Totally in agreement. Even though we are part of the minority. I actually liked the show without Jess. With Megan Fox. With Winston at his best and Cece getting series regular screen time. With Nick and Schmidt still the heart of the show.