
People were walking 3-4 abreast on the Emerald Pool trail when I went to Zion National Park this past March. I’m not douchey hiking guy (I do it to get away from the world, not to show the world where I go) but couldn’t let it go. Got on a ledge above the path and started preaching Paul Muad’dib style that everyone

This perfectly describes a lot of the dumbass instagram “fitness models” #transformationtuesday posts. “Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! “

Please define athletic. Perfectly repeated muscle memory doesn’t count? Top 1% of top %1 hand eye coordination doesn’t count? It seems only being fast/strong are qualifications to being an athlete. By your logic, people who go to the gym a lot, or even crossfitters, are athletes and baseball players are not, which is

You are a national treasure.

Not sure how NPC/Bikini fitness women are not on this list. They humblebrag more than crossfitters and they have the least amount of self-awareness of anyone on this list. They constantly tag #stayhumble - not sure they understand what humble means considering they take 43 gym selfies a day.


Its not a lifestyle. Its just their narcissism trying to convince themselves and other people that what they are doing is important.

Getting new friends could be a better alternative.

They all do it for likes on FB or IG. Literally every single person I know or met that does crossfit has mentioned it in casual conversation even if we weren’t talking about fitness or nutrition.

Plenty of us do. More often than not, people stay late hours at work frequently because

This response deserves a shitload more stars.

I posted a similar response elsewhere in the thread. These people, while brilliant in one regard, are completely human-less and ego driven when it comes to understanding the people below them. They have literally zero self-awareness and understanding of why a normal person wouldn’t want to focus on their work 24 hours

I worked for a guy who thought exactly like this and when I threw it back in his face that I get more done in 8 hours than he does in 12, it became a real problem. Good thing my executive leadership team doesn’t have its head buried up its ass because NOBODY liked/respected this guy and he knew absolutely nothing

Completely 100% agree. And that “badge of honor” is nothing more than their own narcissism and has absolutely no correlation to the merit nor quality of their work. For a few years up until last spring, I worked for a guy who built his career on long hours and expected that of his employees. At my company I’ve been

Its because they’re really really boring/unhappy people. Almost every peer I know in finance works long hours and has little to no hobbies/passions outside of status and making money. I don’t subscribe to this, work way less hours (and not THAT much less pay) and can honestly say I know I’m much happier than them.

My only regret is that I can give but one star for this criminally underappreciated comment.

All those people sound painstakingly boring.

^This times infinity


This is absolutely fucking brilliant.