
Yes, it is and it's super annoying. I have no problem paying for a date and I expect it, especially if I'm the one asking her out and it's date number one thru three. But, when it's obvious that she expects you to pay for everything it comes across as rude. Its not about the amount you spend, its the gesture that you

Thankfully it isn't that bad, but it would be kind of funny if they tried to pull something since we only make one game (Guild Wars 2). I did work on a few projects that ended up being cancelled that I can never, ever use in my portfolio which is sad. It was some of my best and favorite work I've done.

Yeah, thats the boat I'm in right now. I worked at a game studio for 2.5yrs under NDA. Game hasn't come out yet, so I can't show most of my work. You would think that other studios would understand. I mean, I was there for a long time, so I obviously did something.

I work in the game industry, and a huge percentage of design is taking your favorite features from other games and rolling them into your own. I've been in a ton of meetings that went like this:

Agreed with everything you're saying. Global illumination is such a godsend, and one of the reasons I love working with the Cryengine engine. I think its a lot more user friendly too. It seems like these Epic and Crytek are always trying to one-up each other, which is great for consumers and artists alike

But they don't really do that. Simple is fine, but these have all kinds of weird gaps (like the lunch one), things aren't aligned correctly, a lot of the shapes she uses don't have any relation to the data she's trying to convey, she uses the same generic clipart shapes and colors, etc.

Can we get a counter point article written by job interviewees? This article comes across as slightly arrogant. I've noticed that a lot of interviewers treat me as if they are giving me some amazing life changing opportunity by agreeing to talk to me, even though most of the time they're the ones who approached me.

I was about to comment that I hope that making info graphics isn't part of her job because these are amateurish at best. I then scroll down to see that yes, yes it is. Ouch.

This is slightly off topic, but within the realm of pasta and sauces.

My mom has that car! Shifter on the column? My great uncle (who also owns some insanely rare Aston Martin) put it up for grabs to anyone in the family as long as they picked it up in Santa Cruz. My mother, at the age of 65, decided that she wanted it for the hell of it, and road tripped it back up to Portland with a

Yep! Agreed, and they pay way more then fair wages when it comes to their bags. If I remember right, the people who create the bags average something like 30-40 years of experience. A lot of their other stuff is manufactured in China, but follows the same strict standards. Probably doesn't pay as well, but its not

I'm going to go out on a limb here and defend Hermes bags and their obscenely high prices. Here are my reasons:

Oh man, Valentines Day is rough! I'm really sorry to hear that. I'll be ok. I mean, all my friends get the day off to drink and BBQ with me, so it'll be fun no matter what happens. A few days of space and then talking it out will be good with either way this goes.

Well, I'd ask her to clarify, but she's now probably the ex (there's a different open thread about all that). BUT from the limited work in fashion I've done as a photographer, a lot of designers used to have go to girls or guys who established a look that they would then design their look around. Now, most designers

That's kind of our situation. 3 months in and there was a bunch of uncontrollable things that affected us. I do think that she's the sort of girl who would say "I'm done" if that's how she feels. She's definitely not shy about speaking her mind.

I guess she wants to think about us being worth it with the dynamic we've developed. A little explanation:

Just a quick question to all the ladies out there... Have you ever told a guy that "you needed to think about it", and actually, uh, not broken up? I ask this because I'm pretty sure I got dumped this morning.

Hey! Me too! Lifeguard and swimming instructor for years, and the babies/toddlers where always the best. Most really young kids also aren't really that afraid of water and respond kind of like that otter with a "huh, that was weird!" expression. Nothing in the world is worse than a 5-8yr old who's learning how to swim

Its very cool that he made these, but the actual mag covers from the movie have been available on Flickr since what looks like 2009: [www.flickr.com]

I say go for the coffee date! The worst thing that could happen at a public coffee shop is you leave. I actually prefer OKC to Match too, since you can go through their questions and find out quite a bit more about someones personality and views. The only bad online dates I've been on where from Match. Drunk girl