
If you shoot with a decent dslr and have good lighting, you can set up your shots to edit in post.

The area is zoned only RV's, so the design firm found a loophole that let them build the cabins.

Wait, what? You specifically challenged him to find an article on Zach Galfianakis' weight and he did. That isn't really drudging up a random fat dude celebrity, though I do totally agree with you that it's incredibly lopsided against female celebrities.

How is he mansplaining here? You made an argument about Melissa McCarthy, and he countered your argument by citing examples. It just comes across as you being mad that you can't yell at him. Not really sure why that would make you want to shoot somebody...

There is. It's called Postbox, and it's not a not shitty looking ripoff of Sparrow. Not as good as Sparrow, but still better then this app: http://www.postbox-inc.com/

No, he didn't. He went to grab the ball, and after the kid rolled away from him he flops on the ball and won't get up.

I think it has to do with how people react and the number of times of incidents. If a dog get out, it's a big deal and maybe happens once or twice before the owners or animal control takes care of it.

It's so Portland to hate Portlandia.

Pixelmator is the only thing I've found thats close to Photoshop, and I think it runs $15. It even opens PSD's, which is super handy.

To be fair, you could have said this no matter which team had won...

There was a pre-game fight last time they met.

This is a bad idea, and it's going to lead to your dog feeling miserable. Even if it doesn't have any harmful chemicals in it, your going to screw with the ph balance of your dogs skin. Hell, using human shampoo on your dog is bad for them. Using fabric softener, which can irritate humans because of ph, is going to

Also, Male lions do hunt with the pack when they go after larger prey like buffalo, and in a lot of areas they spend a large chunk of their time hunting and killing competitors like hiena and wild dogs.

Maybe this will help? It adds a classic mode to any gawker media site if you're running chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/kotaku-fix/ebpikpglbmpefffekgcdhogkpihphjja?hl=en-US

I worked on the Guild Wars 2 cinematics!

Volvo, because I had a 740 Turbo Wagon, and that thing is still my favorite car. Been thinking about picking up it's sorta spiritual successor, a manual V70R.

Prepaid phone and you can buy minutes. If he's got someone to talk to on the phone, maybe they're taking care of it.

Is there anyway you could rig up a magnetic mount?

I wish I knew who wrote the SPD blog. It's actually pretty funny. Two best Q's:

That would be his fat shadow