
The reason I've heard, and which has been backed up by my stylist for a online retailer girlfriend is that it's all about standardizing a fit. It's WAY easier to design for thinner women since they are roughly the same shape, and most designers work is created and then they pick a model during a fitting. Once curves

But I believe that if they are recording with a dash cam, as was the case here, that's implied consent. I've never seen anything that says you would have to disclose what you are recording with or how many devices you have, just the fact that you are.

I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP. I was going to 'shop your head onto the guy, but I figured I had to draw the line somewhere...

It also depends on what the material is. Cotton on jean, especially if you've just washed your boxers, snags pretty easily from static or pilling. I've found that wearing trunks made out of tech fabrics that are designed to breath are fantastic. First, they don't bunch or snag since they're designed for movement and

Well, black neoprene kinda sucks up light and is a pain in the ass to shoot. They should have just gone with a bikini (/sarcasm)

Beat me to it! I had it all sketched and ready to post too :(

Couldn't agree more! Anyone who wants to play with lens should try and snag a lower end rebel like a XSi for around $500. Little bit bulkier then a 4/3's, but you can start building your lens collection without having to worry about having to start over when you upgrade the body.

Yeah, the Coach ones are really nice! Actually the only Coach item I've ever considered purchasing

I once punched a mirror clean off a cab that decided it would be a good idea to tap the back wheel of my Ninja 636 multiple times in traffic because he wanted to make a illegal turn and I was blocking his path. After grazing my arm, I landed a solid kick on the back panel of the car, and followed it with a solid right

I'm about to make what might be my best automotive choice today.... Thinking about picking this up this afternoon: [seattle.craigslist.org]

I'm about to make what might be my best automotive choice today.... Thinking about picking this up this afternoon: [seattle.craigslist.org]

These were invented here in Seattle, and are the bastard son of Swedish pancakes and German Apfelpfannkuchen. There are a ton of Swedes here (Ballard), and they sort of mashed the idea of fillings from the swedish version with the cakier american/german pancake. They take it pretty seriously too: [crosscut.com]

This runs around $100, but its a really solid PCI card:

Ha, yeah... that was a little confusing. I meant about 75% of the time I wear a shirt for more than a single day the girlfriend will make a some comment about smelling nice.

Once while riding my 636 I punched the mirror clean off a cab that A) tapped by back wheel not once, not twice, but THREE times because he wanted to squeeze past me and make a illegal right turn at a light I was stopped at. He then clipped my right arm hard enough to make me half drop my bike (managed to get a foot

uh, you aren't making yourself def. Have you ever worn earbuds before? They do a decent job of sort of blocking out outside noise. Have you ever worn a motorcycle helmet with earbuds in? Because I have and do. All they really do is filter out the higher frequency sounds like wind and random road noise. I usually have

Depends on the headphones. I ride a super bike with a fairly loud pipe on it, and I always wear silicon ear buds to filter out a lot of the higher frequency noise created by the pipe, wind, etc. I usually have some sort of music playing, but it's never loud enough to drown out cars. I would never ever argue that a

I was just about to say this. Its a general catch-all type of term that's relatable and is more about starting a conversation. I've never had a conversation with a guy or girl that's ended with "She's crazy" or "he's creepy". It's always followed up with a "oh yeah? why?"

If your joints are sore, try hot yoga. I know it's not everyones thing, but if you want a combination of stretching, strength building, and cardio there is almost nothing that beats it. I've always been a athlete and consider myself extremely fit, but I have spine and hip issues from a series of car wrecks. Hot yoga

I'm just going to go on record and say that the only time I ever get complimented on the way I smell is when I wear a shirt for the second day, but not something I've sweated in or thats dirty. Usually a button plaid or a tee, and every girl I've ever dated has commented on it without fail a good 75% of the time.