
Agree to disagree, friendo. 

Depends what I did to them. But keep clutching those pearls and telling people how they’re allowed to react to injustice, sanctimony is a hell of a drug.

You’re wrong, but thanks for playing.

As their entire joke of an ‘ideology’ is nothing but blatant logical contradictions and outright unexamined hypocrisies, i think it’s a bit beyond their intellectual reckoning.

Hey, you can say a lot about the man, but he was DEFINITELY a talented food preserver.

If only we still lived in a country where treason was tried as a serious crime, and not entirely ignored because Republicans are in power and the ones committing it. That’d be nice.

Yes. yes they absolutely fucking are.

The idea that activists are inspired by empathy and a sense of moral decency and justice is so foreign to Trumpers. They’re like alien observers who just don’t get it. They think Soros paid everyone because it doesn’t occur to them the real reasons why people stand up for what’s right. They’re absolute sociopaths.

Flip the genders and the sympathy vanishes in a puff of self-righteous smoke.

Hope you’re never on a jury!

No they aren’t. 

So we’re now calling it ‘reassuring’ instead of ‘mass suicide’ when things reopen or go back into production? Last I checked, there’s been no ‘all clear’ from any official agency in regards to the virus.

Some common sense would be nice, for a change.

I like to picture Jesus in a tuxedo T-shirt’

Godspeed You! Bunk Emperor

It seems people are implying that those listed artists are somehow above reproach and scrutiny, and that bums me out even if LDR’s take here is bad.

Wee woo, wee woo, authenticity police! 

Not to be a pedant, but the very fake color of the blood in Dawn of the Dead wasn’t Savini’s fault, it was the provider of the fake blood, 3M.

The ‘sharing silo’, lolololololol

That Whoopi green-screen action is enough to tell me that this is gonna be a real dumpster fire :( A shame. The 1994 miniseries was honestly just fine.

It was certainly a nice added bonus.