
You should speak to a therapist about your problems with generalizing an entire race of people as ‘bad’.

that’s a fair point.

yeah, how silly that he cares about how his art is used without his input or even being politely notified about it beforehand. just another old white asshole, eh, recognitions?

i like Bigelow’s work but I found it messy. Not her strongest film.

exactly. quotas seem like the wrong way to fix things. let’s have more opportunities for female and POC filmmakers at the start of the process, rather than demanding we sort nominations by anything other than artistic merit.

nominating anyone to fill an assumed quota for fear of backlash in and of itself is condescending, patronizing, and insulting. let people of any kind earn it on merit. i’m getting more than weary of art and its criticism being so compromised by social justice lately.

Yes, I can imagine people being that vapid. This is the world we live in now.

sounds like he absolutely bowed to the woke-mob. awesome. just what we need, folks ‘politely suggesting’ critics reconsider their own opinion so it aligns more properly with their moral viewpoints.

they’re trying damn hard around here to drum up ‘controversy’ around ‘Three Billboards’, for some reason. i guess personal vendetta?

growing up is every bit as shitty as adulthood.

I’m so weary of the same goddamn story.

-I hate my small town/small city.

Sounds like ‘Lady Bird’ might be this year’s ‘Get Out’ (ie, ‘I’m afraid to do anything but super-praise this because of the social media woke-mob lynching that would ensue’)

ho boy, you’re in the wrong comments section to ask that question...

I have not seen Lady Bird but everything I’ve read about it makes it sound painfully cliched and obvious, honestly. The Florida Project was incredible and deserves any award it reaps.

you never fail to disappoint though, recognitions, i’ll give you that much. as expected, you toss my (assumed) race in there even though it has fuck-all to do with what we’re talking about, just because in your simplistic mind ‘white’ is somehow an insult. kudos!

awww, it thinks it can embarrass and shame me! adorable!

But it’s the internet! It’s automatically your business and you’re the judge, jury and executioner!

Agreed about R&M fandom, though. I don’t watch the show but if I was ever gonna, nope, not happening now, seeing what its fandom is like!

Cool, lemme know if you ever manage to do so!

I don’t follow the sport, but is the consensus on him still that dude hit his head one too many times? Doesn’t make the crime excusable or anything if so, just makes him another victim of it.

exactly. it’s such dissonance. ‘how can this person write what i’m feeling so eloquently and still be such a raging douche-canoe personally?’