
so wait...all males who would usually attend should sit out an important yearly event celebrating their careers because SOME men in their industry are shitty?

so again, in the context of the awards show alone, what would you have liked them to do?

‘Hey guys, The Big Bang Theory isn’t so trash, lighten up’ is the new ‘Big Bang Theory Is Trash’.

Yet it remains trash.

If a man spoke out in their speech about this subject, you’d say it wasn’t their place to do so. You know it’s true.

Maybe they didn’t feel right doing it? But hey, that interferes with the ‘look at how shitty the men are!’ narrative, I guess.

what should they do then? if they didn’t address it, people would complain. they did, and people still complain. there’s no winning.

I guess it’d be too much to expect people to see other human beings as fellow human beings to relate to, rather than ‘______ Host? GREAT.’

how dare you? he’s white and male!

you’re gonna literally say this any time a white man wins an award. because it’s seemingly impossible to you that they won it by merit.

Member when they did things like review a bunch of TV shows and live-stream awards ceremonies instead of busying themselves with the latest Jezebel-outrage clickbait piece about said awards shows? I member.

I member when this was a pop culture site, not Jezebel’s gossip arm.

Three Billboards is a fucking masterpiece.

...’s corpse

Aside: he looks like he has more needles hanging out of his body at any given time than a porcupine.

Yeah it’s an incredibly sad story. She was an adult film actress and the industry really chewed her up and spit her out, as it does. She had severe mental health issues. While Jack was shooting ‘Meatballs 4' he was on the phone with her trying to talk her out of hanging herself, and the power went out from a

Couldn’t resist the incoherent and rote attempted deflection to ‘Crooked Hillary’, either. Maybe he doesn’t realize the election’s over?

And he was once father-in-law to another acting legend, Jack Nance. Sadly his daughter committed suicide. :(

Honey I Shrunk My Filmmaking Legacy!

you really ought to take a look around sometime and notice how widely reviled you are here, and maybe ask yourself why.

aw, well now my feelings are hurt.

...still assuming that because I share a different viewpoint that I must automatically be an abuser, eh? You’re right, you’re a paragon of conversational maturity and adult logic.

i’m going on the basis of what’s been reported, and forming an opinion, which is what everyone is very quick to do lately in these situations.