The Dummy Gummy

So does respecting someone’s wishes. It’s not much of an “honor” if it disrespects their explicit wishes.

Wait until she’s 16. You’ll get it.

You’re getting a little too Lawful Stupid here. Upholding the letter of the law with no regard for this dude is...cold-hearted and also kind of evil?


Pricing will be interesting. This sits 10k below it’s closest BMW equivalent. So I wonder where the G70 will land.

The G70 is on the same platform, so it fufils that requirement for this as well for the brand coscious.

I wouldn’t call people spending $40k+ on a car a cheapskate. :P

“I’m going to throw the book at the guy who tried to punch the guy who sexually molested his three teenage daughters.” - No judge who wants to keep their job (in a state where they elect judges, no less).

Next victim’s father...

That does sound like a lot to manage. We completely collapsed accounts where we could. I found less was easier to track and control.

OMG the sidewall on that Toyota. Love it.

Wow, yes that really is a lot of accounts. Originally I thought the article was directed towards couples managing shared expenses and personal purchases i.e. credit cards ..So that one person does not have to carry all the financial burden of their partners starbucks, amazon, and club habits.

2 401k accounts. 2 savings accounts (one of which is semi-fluid, the other isn’t). 1 college account for our son. 3 checking accounts. That’s how we do it. 8 works for us.

My wife and I both do financial forecasting/reporting and are trained as accountants, so we have a high level of confidence in each other to manage money responsibly. We maintain separate checking and retirement accounts, but do have several joint accounts where we pool money (savings account, investment/529

What crawled up your ass? It’s an article about managing finances when in a relationship. I don’t want the advice of a financial planner on something that may or may not ruin the actual *relationship* part of the relationship.

Hi, I’m married and we have both a joint and separate accounts, and both joint and separate credit cards. It works well for us, so go fuck yourself.

You should look at the other comments and see how normal, mature people act. And maybe don’t insinuate you can handle anything like a grown up when you have just shown that you cannot.

Oh you mean a Forester XT?

Still air-cooled batteries apparently.