The Dummy Gummy

Can confirm. My one old buddy drives big rigs now. This is the same buddy who spent 5 years digging out an ingrown toenail with a pocket knife until his toe got horridly infected and the doctors almost had to cut it off; the same one who got multiple DUIs!!!! (I don’t even know how he can legally get a CDL), the same

As someone who recently did a bit of off roading on I-75 because a sleeping trucker drifted into the, occupied by my vehicle, fast lane and didn’t wake up until he hit the rumble strips, I welcome the day these things go fully autonomous.

I find wood puns to be evergreen

The UAW stirring up shit to make sure they get their foot in the door to more cash from a growing automotive company? The UAW operates under a money motive - just like Tesla does.

I never really noticed that before, but now that you mention it...

“weird styling(why do EV’s and hybrids have to have styling that screams “Look at me! I’m environmentally conscious!”)“

I think it looks good....

Maybe he was just wanted to pine for attention?

We got lucky buying the wife a 4-runner a couple months back. We found a 2017 with 5000 miles on the odometer that was the dealer GM’s ride for a couple months. Ended up getting it for almost $8k off sticker.

omg i’m laughing so fuckin hard right now

I loved my 2005 Subaru Legacy wagon (the BluBaru) but the hunger for head gaskets and electrical demons ultimately led to me only being able to sell it for $1500.

For me, the turning point was looking at total economic cost over the life of the vehicle. When I liked at the per mile cost of getting a CPO Tacoma ($35k) vs. getting another used Subaru ($20k), the Tacoma came out far ahead when I factored in depreciation and maintenance.

As somebody who really searched for the cheapest, rubber-floormat, 2wd manual Toyota pickup, their lack of depreciation is astonishing.

Sounds like you got a good deal. I bought a CPO Tacoma with 3000 miles on it, since it was the only one I could find in a stick. The dealership hadn’t found anyone interested in a manual and I got a great deal.

Tacoma’s and 4Runners almost never make sense to buy used. It’s absolutely wild how little they depreciate. Lately I’ve been seeing Tacoma’s as old as 1996 still selling in the teens.

You can not get enough of a discount to counteract depreciation in the first ear of ownership, and paying interest on a depreciating asset is a bad financial decision in itself.

It’s not a myth. Almost ALL things purchased lose more value at beginning of their service life than later on. It’s almost always a better deal to buy something slightly used.

Um... I took public transit almost exclusively for a year. I ordered most things rather than go to the store and carpooled to the train. If I had to use the car, my husband tended to drive since he enjoys it (and we were usually going out to dinner).

i dunno, did you peep the ball hairs?

Now playing

While naturally a large chunk of current gamers grew up with that PlayStation 2 intro, I grew up with this one: