The Dummy Gummy

Man I forgot how shitty jalop commentors are with zero sense of reality and how insurance works. 

Just scroll past man... It’s not hard.

Fried frunk babies are fair game, I do believe.

This gave me a great laugh.

Not really something to brag about when you could have made your cash work for you in the same time frame. 

No. Just no, never no.

Depends really on what you want to buy, I got a fucking steal on a new Subaru. A used 2016-18 with 20k miles on it cost more than what I paid.

I spend 3% but I’m conservative. I also don’t think housing should be more than 20-25%, but I also believe you should have 20% equity ready in the house before buying.

Invest in VPN. NordVPN is only $99 for 3 years; 100% worth the cost.

Level headed people like you saw it the same way. It’s the extremes that seem to take it further in either direction.

Good news, Musk and team won’t accurately be able to do it either. As always, it comes down to: who do you want to buy insurance from?

I’ll never understand why people like you relate facts to hate. I want Tesla to succeed but they sure do have a lot of headwinds.

But... podcasts are free....

Fired the asshole doing shit he shouldn’t be doing. There, fixed it for you. Take some fucking responsibility in life rather than passing blame.

The front looks like a sad whale shark .

sounds like a good time

Damn I fucked up. I got fully loaded ‘19 outback 3.6 limited for $33k.

You’re making me feel  good for not choosing the Rav4. This is exactly how I felt during my test drive. Cabin noise on 35 mph roads was ok, highway.. no thanks.

I test drove that and have a boat that would need 3k towing cap. I would not feel comfortable towing that boat in that vehicle.

I took a look at it because the MPG’s were enticing. The $39k price tag with 5% interest was a massive turn off for me. Instead I got a fully loaded ‘19 outback 3.6r (totally gave up on saving fuel) for $6k less than the Rav4; 1.9% interest to boot.