The Dummy Gummy

Yep. Just delete the cheat software so the car will be in test mode all the time. Changing the chip is easy as pie in an auto computer.

He means actual measurements. The power figures are down by about 10%. I don’t think anyone has measured actual mpg.

Ohhhhh. Silly me.

The biggest part of Tesla’s “success” is that they’ve subsidized their sales so far. They need people to buy new stock issues to keep themselves afloat, if that doesn't happen, bankruptcy. Buying SolarCity will just speed the race to run out of cash.

I know this is supposed to be funny but I’m so nauseated at the thought of a 2 year old drinking bloody milk as his mother vomits that I just don’t know what to do with myself right now

He did use a poor tire gauge.

ustang. Over a billion swerved

Unions represent you for free

That kid is a terrible actor.

Well... So much for jalopnik being relevant.


This really saddens me. You are really going to be missed.

I was literally writing this post while getting fired. A new experience.

That’s fucked up. Looks like Gawker has lit itself on fire and is taking down jalopnik with it. Very sad.

I feel like we’re on a ship with the engine room starting to flood. Any suggestions on car theme/news sites that are not sinking?

What the hell?

Fucked if I know, hopefully this isn’t a preview of things to come for the rest of Jalopnik.

IMO, it looks like the truck couldn’t “let it go” and pressed the matter. the drink was after they were both about to drive away, and the lady decided she had to get the last word in. The escalation was 90% the trucks doing.